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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. Where do you stand on the importance of the Oline to a football team? Just give us a rough guess. Try not to overthink it. lol You are hung up on this whole "I'm not paying a top RT, top LT money." We are going to pay a very good T, very good money. And it will not stop us from competing. Maybe in the future we will have more talent than money. But at this point in time. We have the resources to take care of Moton. And it is the right thing to do. After all these years of paying aging vets top money. You'd think folks would appreciate a young talent getting paid while he is still in his prime. I'm done. But by all means continue on, as it is more fun than chores.
  2. First, you are massively under valuing both the RT position, and Motons ability to play RT. Second, by the time his contract is up, Moton will have gone from one of the top paid, to one of the not so highly paid. Third, by the time Motons contract is up, we will have 4 more years to fill out the rest of the line. By then, we should be in a position to let Moton walk. Fourthly, if you want to compete, you need a good Oline. And right now, that starts with Moton. Lastly, there are like 3 people that are in your camp. I wonder why there are so many who disagree with you? Maybe cuz you are wrong on this one.
  3. You are in a thread called "Brian Burns-best young edge in the league." And you think he needs to "Step up"? Maybe we should ask opposing QBs to hold on to the ball for another 1/2 second if they would? That might improve his stat count. Or maybe improve the Secondary, to give BB the extra time he needs to get to the QB? I''m sure if we put our minds to it, we can work something out to get him over that last hurdle into greatness.
  4. Gotta give you credit kid. You've found a hill, and you're ready to die on it. Never give up, Never surrender. Defend that hill until you die. Minstrel's shall write songs of your struggles. Children will hear the stories of the fan who didn't want Moton. Your name shall go down in infamy. "All hail @Basbearhe did not die well."
  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The thread itself is fine. I gots no beef of what you're throwing down. But that title. It's gotta go. Now granted, I didn't read the actual article, but still, I feel justified in my feelings. lol
  6. Sorry dude, but I gotta say it. That title...it's clickbaity as all get out. You're better than that. C'mon man
  7. Now that's what you call a mild prediction. lol
  8. I'm sorry dude, but OL is in need of talent. You just cannot let Moton get away. And yes, you can pay your RT money, if you don't have any other OL getting paid. Our OL is in bad shape. Until we fix it for realz, Moton needs to stay.
  9. Horn may be the only one to start day 1. But man, everyone but Deonte should see plenty of playing time. As more, and more teams transition to more 4 and even 5 WR sets, we are going to be glad we nabbed Taylor. By the end of the year I expect TERRACE to push DJ for best WR on the roster. Those 2 are going to battle for years. Nice haul by Rhule, Fitt, and Co. I tell ya what.
  10. You got me. I forgot to do so. Got caught up in the moment. But I kinda did with the "Yahoo Sports?" thingy. Hey, you keep adding things. Before I can properly reply, you've added more. It's like texting with my sister. I can't keep up. PJ has been in what? 3 games. So that ranking seems rather appropriate.
  11. First, posting just a link in the OP is...I mean, C'mon Man. Give us an opinion. Start the confab. Second, get ready for @CPsinceDay1 to PJ bomb your thread. Lastly, Yahoo Sports? PS Welp, looks like I wasn't quick enough on the Ol trigger.
  12. The way I look at it is, Paradis, Miller, and Moton played rather well together. So that side should be ok. Not great by any means, but not a total dumpster fire either. Put BC at LG, and throw everyone else at the LT spot. May the best man win. Plus we have Tremble to help, and both CMC, and Chuba are very good at Picking up the blitz. It may not be top shelf, but we should be able to go to war with that lineup. I would not be adverse to throwing some money at a LT in FA, but only on a real LT that can man the position for years. If that fails. Depending on how this year goes, an all Oline draft may not be out of the question. This team is set up so that Oline is the last unit in need of attention. Fix that LT spot once and for all, and this team has potential.
  13. As a lifelong Beverager. I will bring a cooler of various beers, and even some PBR for the young and hip crowd. I will also bring various Tequilas, cuz nothing says 4th of July like Mexican Tequila.
  14. Aw, did someone miss me? Following me around is kinda cute, a little creepy, but cute. You know what they say when you assume? So...do you just assume you are the smartest one in every room? See, the thing is, even though you are the King of insults, that insulting someone only works, if that someone actually cares about what you have to say. Don't bother replying. It will only be some lame azz comment about my emotional state, or my intelligence. Just take the L, and move on. lol Who knew that football could be so, liberating.
  15. You've had some outrageous comments before. But this one? Top shelf. This is a Global Pandemic. But hey, let's let everyone else get vaccinated so I don't have to. I can't be bothered with all that nonsense. Fuging idiots.
  16. Nice to see you haven't changed. Still insulting folks for your own pleasure. Sad dude. Really sad.
  17. After all, isn't that what football is meant to be? Entertaining? I mean, what do you watch it for?
  18. Exhibit A, B, and C on why you should never have an opposing opinion. Oh nooo, our Oline is gonna suck. We never ever put any effort into improving it. Is that better?
  19. Yeah, I should have known asking for patience was to much to ask. Yeah, waiting until we actually, you know, see these guys play in real games before we allow our angst to run amok was asking too much. Instead of focusing on what is good, let's just harp on what is perceived to be bad. Ah, the Huddle. Where folks can harp and complain to their hearts content. But you ask for a little patience? Boom, out go the lights.
  20. Positions we upgraded over the OffSeason. DL, LB, CB, WR, RB, TE, and throw in QB, because Sam just has to be better than Teddy. We could also say moving Chinn to S upgrades them as well. We also added 6 guys for the Oline. That is an awful lot of talent in just 1 OffSeason. Maybe we can be grateful we have a competent staff in place for once. And be patient enough to let them finish building this team, before we go bonkers?
  21. Maybe that Oline is not as stacked as folks would prefer. But 2 short years ago this team had little talent, and more holes than Swiss Cheese. I have no fear that if Rhule and Co. continue to build as competently as they have to date. The Oline will be in a better place sooner than later. My God people. This only Rhules 2nd year. His 1st with Fitt. Maybe, just maybe we can give them more time?
  22. Rhule and Co., in 2 short years, have put together a Roster that is as good as we have seen in a long time. One that most fans can agree will challenge, and compete with almost everyone. BUT...because the Oline isn't the bestest in the whole wide world. You have folks up in arms that things weren't done properly. The building of this team is yet to be completed. Maybe we can wait until the process is complete, before we decide to burn the place down?
  23. We are ever so lucky to have him. I tell ya what. Reminds me of my brother-in-law. I'm still waiting to finish a thought from 30 years ago. Maybe one day he will take a breath, then I'll get to finish. Thankfully, I only see him a few times a year. lol
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