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Everything posted by Chief_Chokeaho

  1. Canes apparently made a significant offer to VAN for EP.
  2. https://x.com/red_on_bottom/status/1761825942131925300?s=46
  3. We will see, think I’d rather see a fully developed Jarvis as 2C as opposed to KK. Think KK is the prototypical Staal replacement, if there is one on the roster. Jarvis has taken a big step this year; taking FOs, winning board battles, on the PP and PK, etc. Rod trusts him. But according to Rod, there is no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th line lol.
  4. I think Jarvis is being groomed for that 2C spot personally. Young man will have an A on his shoulder before too long.
  5. If Duke would have won, Wake wouldn’t have stormed the court. They could have completely avoided this injury.
  6. We don’t know what the market is? How many times have the Canes made trades at the deadline that came out of left field? Skjei and Tro ring a bell? We are in our contention now and it’s time to make a move. We can’t keep kicking the can down the road when the exact same scoring drought problem plagues us in the playoffs. Every. Single. Year. It’s time and what do you mean mortgaging the future? We have more assets than any contender and ample cap space. If there is a year to do it, it is certainly this one.
  7. Yeah gonna disagree. Team is missing another goal scorer. It’s painfully obvious to 99% of the fan base. We’ve played two back-to-back games against contenders and mustered 2 goals. We’ve seen this before…in the playoffs. Defense and goalie are fine, it’s time to spend some of the capital (which no other contender has as much of) to pursue some scoring help. Way too much uncertainty going into the off-season with pending UFA/RFAs to not address this glaring and blatant hole.
  8. imagine being a cop and calling someone “a loser teen” who attends one of the most prestigious and academically challenging schools in the state and country @Brooklyn 3.0.
  9. Time to actually find a goal scorer at the TDL. This game is foreshadowing what will always happen to this team as currently structured in the playoffs. I’m sure we “like our group” and will add a 3rd pair LHD though.
  10. Put Rants on LTIR then assign him to the AHL? After the TDL, recall him. He absolutely deserves a ring if we win this year.
  11. Martin is pretty good when played in spurts. It’s when he’s treated as a starter that his play inevitably takes a turn for the worse. It also helps having the Canes defense I’m front of him.
  12. We need a 2C more than a goalie. Sorry KK ain’t it.
  13. Crazy what happens when you unroot the UNC filth that has plagued this team for over a decade. Best thing MJ did was gtfo of majority ownership.
  14. It’s your pal @USDepartmentOfSavagery. Rod said something interesting last night in the PG Interview: “we love our team”. The TDL is always an unpredictable and often volatile time for Canes fans as the team either A) pulls out a trade out of nowhere or B) kicks the tires on the perceived available talent. With Rants out for a bit (blessing in disguise?), Freddy - who actually knows, and Kooch being the best unhinged but good version of himself, should the Canes make a move in the crease? What should or shouldn’t they do elsewhere? I like the current construction of the team and unless something unforeseen becomes available, am cool with standing pat at the TDL and rolling with what we’ve got.
  15. If we can sustain protection for him, find some receivers who can consistently stretch the field and create separation, and implement an offense with lots of RPO, I would expect we see significant improvement. Dare I say…success. It’s as much on the FRONT OFFICE and staff to improve over the off-season as it is on Bryce.
  16. No to Laine imo. How many games is he going to miss? Guy is talented but misses 1/3 of games per year.
  17. Great trade for us. Trade an albatross contract for assets. We can really focus on developing our core now and adding pieces in the off-season.
  18. Oh yippe, 1-1 against Detroit. In the teo games before that: 0/3 against Pitt and 0/5 against LA, then 0/4 last night. So one pp goal in 13 attempts. It was bound to cool off, but the dramatic tank does not bode well.
  19. It’s nice to see Wake winning meaningful games again. Forbes is really turning that program around making them respectable. They’re gonna be really good next year and a good test for unc tonight.
  20. PP back to being dog poo I see.
  21. The team not shoring up the goalie situation is a clear indication that ownership is only interested in prolonging being competitive and not actually winning the Cup.
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