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Everything posted by Kuhndog94

  1. Wait, you think it would be difficult to find a few people to lie so they can be a quick million or two? Not saying that's what is happening. But I don't think we can rush to any judgements until we see evidence of these claims.
  2. Have you read anything about McNair? Dude is a total asshat along with his lawyer friend. Totally seems like a move to save his fragile ego.
  3. Yeah, man. It's just all way too convenient. And I whole-heartedly believe McNair is that big of an idiot, that spiteful, and has that big of an ego as to destroy his star players trade value just to punish him for asking for a trade.
  4. Yeah, I saw that. I hope for DeShaun Watson's sake that this is the case. It's all too convenient. I just hope the court of public opinion doesn't decide Watson's fate before we actually see some evidence. Buzbee's whole "believe women" spiel was cringey after looking through his instragram history. He's the exact kind of douchebag that would push himself on women while flashing his money. I'd like to see the evidence before crucifying anyone.
  5. Not going to 100% say this is made up but the timing is certainly questionable. It does seem like a character assassination attempt. The lawyer is a total jackass. None of this comes out until it seems like Watson is actually leaving Houston. And it certainly wouldn't be hard to find women willing to go along with a get rich quick scheme. That being said, we should wait until the evidence comes out before writing this off as false. And if it is false, this Buzbee guy should definitely be held liable and there should definitely be an investigation into his and McNair's relationship.
  6. real sloppy play but ya cant win em all I guess
  7. real sloppy play but ya cant win em all I guess
  8. It's all good. We're about to have another short handed goal.
  9. Tell me about it. I don't want to be over there.
  10. Yeah, it was a joke. But acting like we know more about a player than 2 different fan bases that have watched him play every Sunday is a bit silly.
  11. I'd argue that NC being 30th in education would determine that is a lie.
  12. Oh yes, compared to the superior intelligence of our fan base... oh... wait...
  13. The Jets fans replying to that tweet tells us all we need to know.
  14. The Jets fans replying to that tweet tells us all we need to know.
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