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Everything posted by jimfear

  1. On the subject of Mrs. Tepper - if Frank is fired mid-season we all better be ready....
  2. When I clicked on this thread I expected to see this guy tbh
  3. I can believe that - but IMHO Frank has done himself no favors in the way he's talked Bryce up. He made him sound like the Steph Curry of the NFL before he'd take a snap. It honestly reminds me of how much Hubert Davis hyped up any and every player on UNC's 2022-2023 roster.
  4. Sure did. Pretty sad that Fitterer handed that guy the bag and his biggest highlight in a Panther's uniform was "what's that bear doing"
  5. If Frank wasn't sold on Bryce, why did he crown him as QB1 so early in camp? I can believe Tepper applying pressure to start Bryce, but Frank could've made it more of a competition or even eased Bryce in. The whole thing makes no sense, but it's obvious that the entire offensive operation is broken at the moment.
  6. It would be the most Fitterer thing ever to give the Bears more assets for some POS like Chase Claypool. Hell, he's dumb enough to trade real assets for Robbie "Chosen"/Anderson. Not like he hasn't bid against himself before.
  7. Fitt is an adult Bobby Hill looking waste of space. I bet money other GMs laugh at how bad he is.
  8. Frank should let Zavala and Mays run the ball so they can experience what's it's like to run behind this O-line. Campen could just swap Chubba or Miles in at either guard position because they'd have as much success blocking as Chandler and Cade so far this season. If we aren't winning at least we could be entertained.
  9. I like Burns, but tbh I think Brown is our d-line guy. When he flipped the switch last season he became a force.
  10. This whole interview is fantastic. Cam provides great insight on a lot of Panthers related topics. Damn I miss the old days. Adding link to YT for anyone who hasn't watched and wants to check it out.
  11. 100% agree. This roster isn't one or two players away, and a lot of that is on Fitterer.
  12. Yes - because I'm a masochist like most other Panthers fans
  13. I haven't given up hope on Bryce, but that's too funny. Made me immediately look for a picture of a baby boot.
  14. Bryce needs all the snaps he can get..... but I can't lie and say it wouldn't give me some joy to see us get some W's just to mess with the fuggin Bears fans that keep popping up everywhere like roaches.
  15. Imagine dropping Scot's name to defend not being a bootlicker. LOL (In all seriousness - I do enjoy the pod)
  16. Thanks for sharing. The rushing numbers are really surprising to me. I know we had success against the Falcons, but last night seemed bad with the exception of a couple good scramble plays.
  17. LOL - Gary Coleman had some dog in him. I think we got the dude from Webster.
  18. Unfortunately - Matt Rhule may be the only coach dumb enough to trade early picks for CMC
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