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Everything posted by zacka77ack

  1. Fans got screwed. Team got screwed. Our rightful compensatory pick could be in jeopardy next year. The "Shield" saved face. Hardy got paid. I wish the FO would man up and address this entire situation with some frankness and honesty. That being said...I'm gonna try and get a Hardy jersey even if I have to custom order it and I'm gonna wear it all the time. He was a great energy guy, unique and a great DE. I'm gonna miss him but I also now have to root against him since he plays for another team.
  2. I've been trying to reconcile the idea that the RBs have always seemed close (especially Stew and him) yet none of them showed up at the funeral. I can only think of 2 scenarios. 1: if I'm a multimillionaire ... I am not in the US in the middle of May. 2: his relationship with team members wasn't as strong as it appeared. Maybe he alienated everyone?
  3. Who is Deangelo Williams? In all seriousness...Deangelo showed his ass. Maybe he will regret it later, maybe not. Regardless...this organization now has more unwarranted and overblown PR fodder that it has to deal with. The timing of this is just too weird. Why is he bringing up an event that happened a year ago? Why is he bringing this up in a prerecorded interview on the day of his release being made public? Looks to me like he's lashing out. Like an ex girlfriend that reminds you of some unrelated issue she had with you when you break up with her.
  4. How many pool spots are there total?
  5. We don't know when this game is yet, correct?
  6. I, too, was at this game. The rain was incredible. The crowd noise even more so. You know how when you shake a tree during a storm more water falls? I think to think the crowd and its restless nature shook the heavens that day and created some of the the deluge we experienced.
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