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Everything posted by RJK

  1. Yep we’re missing the one unblocked play he makes per game other than that par for the course
  2. Bro forgot he plays for Carolina and sucks out loud for a second
  3. Kelce looks like every other dude at the gas station at 9 am
  4. Bryce is so even keeled while getting his brains beat in and playing like poo. What a great attribute
  5. There’s nothing more comforting than how mature a QB is while playing like complete dogshit. So sick of hearing that garbage. Win
  6. Bears 27 panthers 6. It’s never close and Bryce throws 2 more picks
  7. He looks slightly better than corral did and that’s sad
  8. Drew Brees would be a light heavyweight, Bryce is a welterweight. That’s a huge difference
  9. There’s a reason Steichen only interviewed over zoom and other candidates just outright turned interviews down
  10. Might not even be a career backup
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