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  1. I’ll give him 8 but I’ll know by week 2-3 honestly
  2. I’d believe in him if he acted like he cared at all. His mentality was waaaaaaaaay overblown
  3. Cool 3 guards and no left tackle. Sure glad we got a RB on pup in the 2nd
  4. Of course it was. Honestly still feel like Dalton gives Carolina the best chance to win
  5. Because he’s a professional athlete now. It’s literally his job
  6. It’s pretty obvious he did almost nothing to prepare his body in the offseason. Pretty disappointing and not a great sign that anything is going to be different at QB this year.
  7. I just hope if Bryce does continue the bust trajectory he’s on that Tepper will get out of the way and let Canales bring in Dalton. We might still suck but he’s proven he can move the ball down the field
  8. How on earth did the teppers get obsessed with this kid? From what I’ve seen and heard he’s not some strong leader/alpha personality and he dang sure doesn’t wow anyone physically. It’s mind boggling
  9. Could’ve had a starting caliber center for the next decade. Just sayin
  10. Last in the division…again. Prob a top 5 pick
  11. Yeah this whole story reeks of high school drama and is pretty goofy for two grown ass men lol
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