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Kentucky Panther

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Everything posted by Kentucky Panther

  1. This literally makes no sense. People want to tank To move off Sam Darnold lol
  2. It would just be the most Panthers thing ever if we turn a proven winner away and keep Wilks. Who probably already has more head scratching losses in his short career than Harbaugh does. I don’t mind if we pass on Jim, as long as we are still looking and considering candidates other than Wilks.
  3. I mean, it’s great that the players like him. Definitely a plus. That doesn’t mean he’s the best candidate for the job.
  4. I don’t disagree as far as Corral. I would like to see what he can do before we completely cut ties. I am also thankful we no longer have to deal with Rhule. I am not asking to ship everyone out for as many picks as possible. I don’t think a whole rebuild is necessary. We have some solid pieces. That said, I think it would be best to get an offensive minded coach and pair him with the rookie he prefers. Let’s go from there. I think Wilks had his chance and blew it. We need a breath of fresh air in a lot of ways, including getting away from conservative, defensive minded coaches that I feel like we’ve had since I started following the team. We’ve got some decent assets if we want to trade up. Not saying we should or have to. I think one of the top 3 QBs will still be available at 9.
  5. I am just playing devils advocate as some of you guys beat your chests about being better fans because you think your line of thinking is far superior to anyone who thinks differently. If you aren’t fine with winning 5 games every year, not sure why there is such an issue with posters wanting the team to have a better draft pick. Teams that pick late in the draft already have solid pieces around their cornerstone players, particularly quarterback. We don’t have that. It’s much easier to put pieces around cornerstone players at key positions and stay relevant than trying to get those players at mid round picks. If we had a franchise QB it would be a different feeling. Like it or not, we have a better chance at getting a difference maker the earlier we pick. The AFC is considered the far superior conference at this point. All the good to great teams have drafted guys early in the first with the exception of Lamar, who still came in the first round.
  6. We had just come off a 12-4 season where we hosted a playoff game and had a guy win DPOY. Not comparable scenarios.
  7. The problem is not posters want the team to lose. Very clown thing to say. We are all posting on an internet message board to talk football. The problem is posters being completely fine with winning five or six games a year. Doing just enough to not change things next season. Leading right up to the middle of the pack position we have been so accustomed to getting. I’m glad some of you enjoy it so much. Some of us recognize we need to try and change some things up instead of staying stuck in this wonderful cycle.
  8. It’s like some of you haven’t had enough of 5 and 6 win seasons recently. Might as well keep doing what we’ve been doing over and over. Clearly working.
  9. I’m not moving goalposts. The team and run you mentioned involved a superstar QB in his prime. You don’t think that in itself gives the fan base a different mindset than what we’ve seen at the position recently? No one wanted to tank when we had Cam because there was no reason to tank.
  10. The context is important. During that run we knew we had a bright future at QB. We do not have that luxury now. I did not feel the same way I did when we had Cam. We always had a chance with Cam. But for the past three seasons we’ve been in QB purgatory. Sam Darnold leading us to a first round playoff exit was not changing that.
  11. I’m happy you have so much faith in Sam Darnold to do what Cam did. It must be nice to live in that reality.
  12. This is a one in a hundred scenario. Teams with losing records usually do not make the playoffs. Also let’s be real, Cam >>>>> Darnold and it’s not even close, man. We knew we had a franchise QB at that point. I do not judge posters who wanted to make the playoffs. I said it would have been fun, regardless of what you think is the best for the team going forward.
  13. Great. Now do all of the other seasons we finished with a losing record.
  14. No. I literally said the games at the beginning of this season weren’t meaningless.
  15. Games where we are in contention. Which we haven’t been in since the beginning of the season, before we realized we suck again. In contention is not sitting in second place of the short bus division of the NFL. In contention meaning we have a chance to make the championship. The line of thinking is that with the current state of the team/coaches, the better chance at building for next season is with the draft. Not limping into the playoffs with a losing record. Playoffs would have been fun for a week, but it would not have benefited the Panthers more than getting a higher pick.
  16. This is correct. The best thing for the Panthers was not making the playoffs this season. I will never understand the logic those posters have, wanting to win meaningless games instead of getting better, perhaps even franchise changing, assets in the upcoming draft. Whoever the five seed is would have killed is.
  17. I wouldn’t say he set us back. He was trying to do a job. Did it better than Rhule, but still a pretty mediocre job. I will say, he definitely didn’t do us any favors.
  18. He’s better than Rhule but my god that standard is about as low as you can go. The Panthers have to think they can do better than that. Have to.
  19. Give me either one. What a breath of fresh air that would be for the Panthers.
  20. This board would have killed Rhule for losses like Wilks took against the Bengals, Steelers, and now Bucs. I don’t want to hear any of this “he did well with what he had” when the reality is his coaching has been suspect from the very beginning. Thankfully at this point it looks like most of the board recognizes this. Some of you still need to wake up and realize what mediocrity looks like. And how we will continue to show that if we make the decision to keep Wilks.
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