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Everything posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. So it looks like Ruiz is headed to Granada, worked out well for him, Granada had been in La Liga for the past three years before getting relegated to La Liga 2. Soooo In - Malanda, Romero (homegrown), GAM Out - Franco, Ortiz, Makoun, Ruiz
  2. So we did get some GAM for Makoun… that’s nice… So big picture… In - Malanda, Romero (homegrown), GAM Out - Franco, Ortiz, Makoun Still waiting on word about Ruiz.
  3. Not going to lie, pretty excited to see Malanda. Good foot skills for a big CB.
  4. Also, looks like Brian Romero has signed a homegrown contract, when that kid moves overseas we are going to get a lotttt of money.
  5. Yay for transfers, did we get any GAM for Makoun?
  6. First pick of the milfs if you get to practice first…
  7. So Rudy… but German. Edit - Nvm.. I see it’s a whole team of underdogs… called the Unicorns??? So The Replacements… but German.
  8. The fact that Elflein is athletic makes you think that he could be a guard… then you watch him at guard and your like… nah maybe not
  9. Sureeee sounds like it, looks like he was left out of the squad against Columbus due to a potential move.
  10. Passing you the torch cause I don’t have the time or energy… Godspeed.
  11. I mean when one guy is chucking three TD’s and the other one is running for one in a drill where he can’t be contacted and fumbling multiple times then I’d say it’s pretty straight forward about where things are. Not saying that things can’t or won’t change but today was a big day for Baker with the one’s after crushing it with the two’s yesterday… and by all accounts outside of one poorly thrown ball to Luvu, he had another good day.
  12. Don’t let your confirmation bias fool you though…
  13. It’s okay though… Darnold only has around five or so turnovers through training camp but Rhule said no one has set the edge… Darnold for a first round pick incoming. If someone wants to argue that’s why there’s technically a “competition” for QB1 then fine (so Darnold can try to build some value). But to say that Rhule’s PC’s have any influence whatsoever on some sort of compensation for Darnold when everyone in the entire world who has access to a cellular device can quickly type his name into Twitter and see how he is performing is just astoundingly dumb.
  14. You fugging kidding.. lol. I’m not going to do your HW for you bud, if you can’t find the reports then you aren’t looking in the right places. Read yesterdays practice thread for starters.
  15. I’m actually fine with a Belichick press conference, it’s direct, to the point, and if he doesn’t want to answer the question he doesn’t. Just feel like it’s a waste of time to just flat out lie in your press conference when there’s been over 100 members of the media at your practices the past few days. He could get away with that poo at Baylor because college football practices aren’t covered to the extent that NFL training camps are. However, when you have reports coming out from different members of the media reporting how Baker looks like he’s separating from Sam and then Rhule comes back and says that no one’s separating then it either makes him look A) Dumb or B) Like a liar. I just don’t think he understands how to handle NFL media, it’s quite a bit more out there than college.
  16. Overall that’s great value, in order for it to be a steal, D.J. needs to start putting the ball in the end zone. Hopefully that begins to happen now that he’ll have a somewhat competent QB throwing him the ball. However, D.J. deserves just as much praise as Fitterer. He could have easily told the Panthers he wants more or held out for the market to set itself, but by all accounts he’s a team guy. Four of the top five guys on that contract list have switched teams in the past few years… that says more about them than it does the teams that traded them. D.J. deserves just as much credit for taking a team friendly deal while still getting paid.
  17. Prop up his value when all 31 other teams have the same access to the social media accounts that we do… if a Twitter account stated that Darnold threw three picks in practice but Rhule said Darnold still looks good… who are you going to believe. Out of all the excuses I’ve heard for being by the book… this one is the most asinine.
  18. Because everyone knows your full of poo, I’m fine with a coach giving the bare minimum but have a little integrity about it. Like I said, it’s just as easy to say that as a whole players all over the field are starting to separate themselves and we’ll be reevaluating more in the coming weeks. But to flat out say no one has an edge is just fuging stupid. No opposing team is going to get any more from what I just said than what Rhule said but at least what I said had some truth and substance to it.
  19. 100% he knows, I think it’s funny that Rhule thinks he’s fooling anyone. Like at this point you could even say something like “players are starting to separate themselves” and just leave it at that. I’ve never in my life seen coach speak so by the book.
  20. If they trot Jordan out at LG on day one… Kick one of Christensen or Ekwonu inside for heavens sake.
  21. Lol… no one has set the edge, dude is fullll of poo.
  22. Wouldn’t be ideal if Wilson got suspended.
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