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Everything posted by backINblack28

  1. I don't disagree with any of this. At the same time, I think he plays at odds with our system and you can see that sometimes it works out and is flashy (and therefore lends making it easier to say why don't we grant him a bigger role and/or more freedom) but sometimes, it lends to the exact things Rod tries to prevent (bad giveaways/odd man breaks/unnecessary turnovers). Necas is still very young in the sense that he still has improvement in him even in the facets of his game he's best at. I worry though here because it seems like he is putting us in a really tough place with negotiations which both lessens his value on open market and lessens his trade value. The early rumors of not wanting to sign here don't really match up with him just turning down a possible extension with several other playoff teams. If he doesn't know what he wants and can't be decisive about it then it gives no sides any leverage including teams trying to make calls about him. Guentz may have strung us along and screwed us, but at least it's done and over with. I just want this to end so we know exactly where we stand. I don't love including him in an Ehlers trade, but if we're losing him anyway it would make sense. Just hard to feel like at this point any side is going to get the best of any deal cause it rarely improves for all parties as time goes on.
  2. in itself i didn't/don't have an issue with this. And our main point has always been that we didn't want to be one of the go for it all teams at the deadline because we have a window that has term with Slavin/Aho/Svech/Jarvy. however. keeping martinook above market value and not combining the youth influx with things like changing things at goalie and or signing a big name as a guentz replacement just feels like so far we're kind of sitting this out, and i really dont like the idea of taking a large step backwards from pre deadline roster last year. i understand we've given this a run with the same guys and it hasn't worked and changing some things there. but we also know exactly what our glaring issues are. so to not get better at those while also getting worse/losing big time names in other areas is pretty disheartening thus far. Hope there's more to come.
  3. he turns 32 in a month. the reason we are letting TT, Skjei type guys go is because we're betting on youth to fill instead of overpaying guys who are probably not going to get better/faster etc at this point. Martinook has been on the top of his game, yes. But that's exactly what the complete ceiling looks like, and he's getting older and was never the fastest/most skilled guy regardless. We outbid ourselves.
  4. I like Martinook, but this is an objective overpay for a dude who cleared waivers months ago
  5. https://x.com/Canes/status/1803081577003438591 Think this was the right move. He was always the guy driving the analytics--hopefully he has learned the other parts of the trade under Waddell. It's worth seeing rather than losing him for sure. Let's get some dudes locked down!
  6. I have both so I wouldnt need to trade, but I have 2 seats in 253 row 15, and I know my seat neighbors so 4 total available for some matches all that can be had at face value with no fees etc
  7. idk. if they brought him here with the hope of re-signing him they knew it would take 8 at bare minumum. i'd go 8.5 with term easy. we can save some money letting skjei/pesce walk, trading necas and or kk. it's all about what Jake wants. if it's me in the twilight of my career i'm taking 8.5 over 10 to stay on a team this close and that seems like where his priorities are which makes a difference. I'm just hopeful
  8. Guentz has said great things about being here and caring about winning over money. I think it's possible we can get both him and Jarvis on a slight discount
  9. Fred had a terrible elimination game, but if our PK/PP was anything less than absolutely dog poo in games 1-3, game 6 would have been our closeout game based on his play. so....yeah. While I think this year Kotchetkov needs to get the majority of games and if things aren't going well we need to jump at trade deadline---it's easiest to blame Fred because of a couple mistakes directly in the elimination game that never should have been
  10. Agyemang had a 'oh that's why he should be just young fresh legs off the bench game' last night. Feels like we should have had five goals. He definitely should have drawn a penalty (after we were down 3-0) but he has got to start simplifying things/burying the easy ones. Please go spend money in the transfer window. We got a great coach..that much is obvious. Please do not handcuff him. We said we were gonna party and spend. St Louis City says they're a budget team who isn't going to spend the lights out. Right now, we're spending less than them. Go. Spend. Money. On. Real. DPs.
  11. I've always thought that Tulsky is the guy driving the analytics/signings and that Don is the iron out figurehead. I'm hoping Tulsky has been groomed and that the 'search' is a formality. I would be ok with hiring another figure above Tulsky but I'd rather Tulsky be GM than us lose him if we hire over him
  12. he's been good, but it's not his spot. We will 100% get a DP there come summer window. Pat will be amazing coming in against tired legs, but he's still young and he's not going to replace a DP type big money player that we'll need to truly contend in the east
  13. https://theathletic.com/live-blogs/premier-league-news-live-updates-latest/ohSDwMWMcgdZ/E9kwdYOdEWZ7/ He's had a tough start to the season, and definitely hasn't been worth a DP spot. This opens us up to sign 2 DP in the summer window. Just gotta survive on pace for two months in the meantime.
  14. Smith said today he expects him back 5/29 at the earliest. Which sucks bad.
  15. it's not that i disagree with this sentiment as much as objectively i think Svechnikov has been our best all around player in the playoffs altogether
  16. Wish we had gotten Fred rest for game 4 of the first round series, and gotten Pyotr in for a lower pressure situation. At this point because of 2OT Fred has to get rest, but I don't love going to him only when forced. Win at home and give ourselves another chance to steal a roadie. We're in this until we're not. Let's fudgin go CANES
  17. Fred has had a half season of rest, and he's the guy. I think Rod learned from the Florida series, and in general. Rest for Bob last year was overrated. It mattered eventually, sure, but there can be both a better balance while still featuring the guy. And Fred is the guy. It's nice that Pyotr at this age already has playoff experience, but in my opinion, not starting him in game 4 was the ultimate sign that Rod is riding Fred until otherwise noted. And I think Fred has earned that in his time since his injury. I don't hate a better balance, but I think game 4 was the perfect time with no pressure to do it and the fact that we didn't spoke volumes. His leash will inevitably be shorter with the struggles, but he's been solid overall.
  18. Actually thought we were fine after the bad penalties/the first period. The Tony call was soft and ended up being the difference in the game. Still. We knew we had to stay out of the box, and our PK has to be better when/if we don't. Steal game 2 and home ice is ours. I feel good about it.
  19. The Rangers caught us last with Kotchetkov and right when Kuzy/Guentz joined. They got an insanely lucky bounce to win 1-0 and we had several posts. They have not seen this iteration of us going at full tilt, and we played them well anyway. We did the thing at the trade deadline, they didn't. If you ask me and my bettin money, I'm betting it's going to matter. Hope that we've got healthy defense throughout. We didn't play our best game and still gave NYI a gentleman's sweep. Some grow concerned when we don't play our best game, but when you can play poorly and still put 5-6 on the board, that to me is the perfect example of being able to survive and advance and make it happen in the playoffs even when your game isn't tip top shape. And if it is................woo boy. LGC
  20. TDA hasn't been the first version we got of him before Philly (which was a surprisingly decent cheap Dougie Hamilton replacement). However. He doesn't need to be that, as he's not first line paired with Slavin. Rod will hide him with 3rd line minutes. IMO, he has been decent slotting in lately and he does make an offensive impact. Hopefully he has something to prove, especially considering his presence will likely be needed beyond this game. In that sense, him jumping in/providing offensive spark could help us with a pull away road goal. The Isles are overfocused on our forwards and have lost guys in critical moments because of it. Someone like TDA pinching can take advantage of that. Hopefully he is motivated, ready to go, and that he and the rest of the team can keep their heads on a swivel, cause it's going to be chippy on the island early and often and if we can stay disciplined, this series is not coming back to Raleigh.
  21. This. Plus, reloading with youth here allows for us to make a run at a Guentzel deal/keep Jarvy. Love you pesh and brady. thx 4 the memz. hope you get to lift hardware and put your name on it on your way out
  22. we are faster than the Bs (and the Caps but). we have been very good in the regular season against them since a couple years ago. The Caps less so but i'll bet we'll be hungry after that officiating fueled shootout loss last time. I want the metro and the President's trophy. It ain't a curse for a team that's hitting their stride at the right time. it's the curse for the team like FL who has played well the entire year and dies in the playoffs. They will be tired and other teams are old or too young to touch us. I've never said this during our playoff years. We've lacked goaltending prowess or health. We've lacked experience. Or top tier scoring/top tier scoring depth behind Aho and later Svech/him not healthy. We have all of those aforementioned things. I've got '06 vibes and I'm not scared to talk about it aloud. I just bought round 1 game 5 tickets. Not sure that game will be necessary but might get to go see a handshake line with Ovi.
  23. He is an expiring contract who couldnt be traded again prior to the deadline. The money has to work in the trade so it's just us taking on money for Rozier's deal that expires at the end of the season. We got a first rounder. We likely buy him out soon
  24. Waddell said yesterday Fred could be back in a month or so and has medical approval. We're just trying to bide time til then. At this point that's the better option other than buying WAY high on what could end up as Goalie #2 if and when Fred comes back. If it doesn't work out, we can attack at the trade deadline
  25. This. Burns pipe shot is a goal 99% of the time, and we had a good effort/good start to a road trip against a tough west team about as far of a road trip for us as is possible. Just an all around promising effort that felt like it should have been worth a point at least.
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