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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. we have good talent on both sides of the ball...if the stars align who knows...but you and I know the experience of the coaching staff will ultimately fail the team.
  2. MrIncompletely needs to get laid...hes blowing a gasket...
  3. Closet Brownie here.... hes the best thing to happen to cle since re-entering the league... I like the kid...hope he gets a little more serious...but he can play.
  4. ...thinking its only a one year deal...he's prolly gonna rent Cams crib...
  5. ...get rid of this pass dropping little bitch...hes a cancer... pisses me off we paid for this punk.,,,ya feel me..
  6. ...if the commercials start again...we'll know hes not serious and will show in his play...he'll be gone..no hair off our azz...
  7. yep..prior to Mayfield 3 wins...we can win 9 best case... we have to get the taste of dick out of our mouth at some point...
  8. yea...that 5th in 2023 woulda prolly started for us...
  9. Ever hear 3rd times a charm? Fact is we have to keep swingin on QBs, thats the reality.
  10. whatever it takes to never see Darnold take another snap...
  11. Dumb fkers abound around every corner...POS. That poor child will be mentally fked for quite some time.... made me sick to see that.
  12. ...yea...he looks great...will we have patients with his development or call for his head the second game he loses... would you stick with him for 4 years while he gets his wings? I love the kid but 3rd rounders dont usually prosper...
  13. ...its complicated....Start and play Darn Hold....insures us a high pick in 23 and this year is a wash ... again!..... I say try to do all you can to win now...Corral...Mayfield... which if that occurred would keep that fat jowled, hasenpfeffe eatin fhule around for another year.... pick your poison ...
  14. No long forehead...hard pass...
  15. How'd Jerah get ushered out so fast and this venereal wart on the cock of the NFL is still hangin around...I dont get it.
  16. Wow...Andy and Barney Fife say no betting in Carolina... I moved to Carolina 35 years ago and couldn't buy booze in my county... it will eventually happen...maybe in Siler City...
  17. The only rational for Mayfield is i'll never have to see Darnold take another snap in a Carolina uniform...ever again...Bonus points if Anderson is included in the deal... the two biggest losers on the team in the highest skill positions...gee Wally why do we suck.
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