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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. Well, alrighty. That'll put butts in seats.
  2. Told ya this is where we'd be this year. But what do I know? This season is only going to get worse from here. And by December we're going to be forgetting about how good the defense was. Rhule and Co. will be gone at the end of this season, headed back to the college ranks. Rhule will probably get another shot in three or four years and do like Pete Carroll and have a winning team quickly on the second ride. Hopefully, Fitterer is shown the door, too. Then, Tepper will hopefully wise up and get some good advisors to help him with the GM search and coaching search. He has the core of a good team here, but the window isn't large.
  3. Nah, dead man walking. This season hasn't gotten anywhere near as embarrassing as it will get.
  4. They used to call it the Nouvea Riche... the newly rich who had no class, no understanding of long term wealth or the proper use of it. Some wise up, most don't. Tepper is smart, but not wise from what I see. But then again, what do I know?
  5. Whatever you think of Sam, no one can say he didn't go out there and give it everything he had. He might have had more success if the organization had tried to do as much for him as he did for it. It's a brutal way to make a living, but that's the NFL. I hope he heals up fully and well. Some time away might do him well and might expose how many of his problems weren't really his fault.
  6. 2020 pretty good. 2021, I'm not seeing stars yet. Maybe Horn would have been one, but injury shortened his grading period. The rest are two maybes, a meh, a couple of mightas and some guys that have been disappointing. Hubbard and Tremble are maybes. Marshall is a meh. Mighta been okay includes Nixon and Taylor. The rest just aren't panning out or are struggling to even make the field on what is a really week team, especially when considering two of them were offensive linemen. Wish I could say the draft was better. There wasn't a lot of competition in front of these guys in camp. And there were some better picks ahead of most of them, but we traded down and were proud of our bargain hunting.
  7. When I looked, he was available. Heck, we've got two guys on our practice squad already as QBs, let them have a crack at it. Can't get any worse, could be kinda funny even.
  8. It's because they don't know what they are doing. They've been winging it for a while now and it's just caught and overwhelmed them. Rhule and Co. were ready for a move to the SEC, not a move to the NFL.
  9. I'd rather see them trot out Joe Webb. Must not have been any Temple or Baylor guys available.
  10. We can analyze what's wrong until we're black and blue in the face, but in the end, you can watch the games and just know this team isn't right. And I'm going to even say this, that defense isn't as legit as we want to think it is. Contender teams will/have crush(ed) us. We're about to go into a long stretch of really top rated opponents. This won't be pretty. And the offense? We're only fielding an offensive line apparently because the rules dictate we have five warm bodies at the line of scrimmage. That's what we've done all year, five warm bodies. Now, we're even running short of that. It's time to scrap this and start over. Or find some folks who can work with what we've got and build from there.
  11. It may well speak to just how bad PJ Walker is. We'll see soon.
  12. Apparently, there's a history between Burns and Jones that goes back to high school and maybe before. Bad blood begets bad stuff.
  13. 2001 was a special kind of malaise.
  14. I was amazed at how little motion I saw pre-snap yesterday. More than to change up the defense, you motion to get the defense to show their coverage. Darnold could have certainly used that information.
  15. Offense may well be as bad as it has been since 2001.
  16. You know, you're right! They're all Gettleman guys. Wow, that makes even more of a humbling point.
  17. Saying we've had a lot of our draftees out there, more than any year before, isn't much of a compliment considering the quality of work being done. And Christensen's biggest impact on the field so far is he got a sack. On his own QB.
  18. Poorly, too. I'm in no way, and have in no way, suggested they should be here. The suggestion is, that as bad as they were, we're in no better and probably worse shape than when they were here. The old guys were bad at their job. The new guys are terrible at it.
  19. Last year, Hurney was retained just for the sake of the draft. And I'm not asking for sensational players, just a couple of decent ones, maybe one good one.
  20. Yeah, we still apparently jumped too, too soon.
  21. Hurney's front office was terrible and he left the team in shambles, I certainly wouldn't think he deserves the job as a GM anywhere. He ended up with the Redskins, but maybe they do deserve him due to karma. Saying that, just because we've had a change doesn't mean we have someone competent in the job. He may actually be less competent based on draft picks, evaluation of free agents and handing out contracts apparently based upon grades at Temple. There's got to be better folks out there available than Fitterer and Rhule and Brady and Co.
  22. Chinn was a Hurney pick. Haynes actually is a Hurney/Rivera guy who has been on the team for four seasons. Gilmore was a Pro Bowl guy that came from Belichick's bunch and Michael Jordan was brought into the league by the rebuilding Bengals three years ago and was scapegoated for Burrough's injury. Not sure I'm gonna tout those as wins for Rhule/Fitterer.
  23. Because it's really not. Horn may be excellent, may not ever recover. Marshall is, well, a Temple player from LSU at best. Christensen is apparently a toothless T. Rex. Tremble might be a good TE eventually, maybe a fair one right now. Daviyon Nixon gets an incomplete due to injury but seemed nothing too special so far. Chuba has flashes of excellence but has hands of stone. Keith Taylor had an outstanding game against Minnesota but has otherwise been quiet. Deonte Brown went to IR because of weight apparently, never having played a meaningful snap. Shi Smith proved to be another training camp favorite that has done nothing in limited opportunities. Thomas Fletcher sent to IR under the crushing injury of JJ Jansen wanting to stay an extra season. Phil Hoskins has been seen on the back of milk cartons. Wow. After trading for soooo many picks and passing on soooo many bonafide players, you'd think we'd have hit pay dirt a couple of times just by random chance. Fitt just shat the bed with Rhule's apparent guidance.
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