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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. We really dissed it back in the day but really, it was a line that did a lot of solid work. And let's face it, they were working with an incredibly unconventional QB behind them. Cam was an astounding player, but those guys in front of him had to put in a lot of work... just think of how long Cam extended some plays and think of how hard it is to make and maintain blocks for even just the regular length of plays. And man, Ryan Kalil. Dude was a first rate center who deserved a lot more credit. (Although he sure was beloved by our fanbase.)
  2. Man, I feel bad for him there. Still, loved the guy when he played for us, really gave us his all. That one playoff run versus the Iggles where he steamrollered 12 Philly players and three fans to get into the endzone was just magic. Hope his coaching career at UCLA goes great for him.
  3. You better believe it! We've got fiber optic here and it's amazing.
  4. Back when I bought Sunday Ticket years ago through my satellite provider back then, it was umm, okay. And then after the season was over, I thought I was done for it. Then they automatically billed me for the entire next season, in like May of the year. No warning, no explanation, no opt out. It took forever to get my money back. I still think it's a rip off service and probably always will be unless you live outside of your team's area.
  5. This week's episode. Thanks greatly if you're watching these!
  6. The Panthers, since Tepper took over haven't been the next shot for underappreciated athletes like we'd hoped. We've become the "last stop for a big paycheck before retirement team." We really would be better served by picking up more rando UDFA at this point and giving them a try out than flinging a couple more million at some almost coulda beens that are at the end of their leash. Invest in our own future, not in some other team's past.
  7. Gosh, I hope you're right. Having a first rate O-line is something we haven't had since, well, maybe 2005-ish. If they can just give the little guy a fighting chance, we could see what he can do. And if we could also get that running game going because of it... It might be fun to watch the games again. Right now, everything is just on paper. I hope it plays out well. I'm not needing much here, but just breaking even would be such a big step. It all begins in the trenches and I think we've spent well on the O-line. Time will show I guess. Coaching changes were needed, but as we've seen so many times before, new doesn't always guarantee improvement.
  8. Just rolling the dice, we have no idea how things are going to turn out. Worst to first, worst to crap, didn't know it could get that bad. Anything could happen at this point.
  9. Cool, if he gets a chance, I hope he makes everyone sit up and wonder where he came from. Heck, even if he just turns in positive snaps on the field, that's a plus. We need strong backs, willing minds and folks needing an opportunity.
  10. I've got hope. But I almost always have it this time of year. Except during the Rhule regime. Seven wins and I'll be impressed. The bar is that low.
  11. I'm excited at the possibilities before us. Gosh, I hope it works. I hope this coach can and will be allowed to coach. I hope we have an actual game plan. I hope we can develop young players. I hope we have an offensive line. I hope the little guy can live up to the his draft status. I hope that we can make some serious noise in an NFCSouth that is still incredibly weak. I hope this isn't just another wasted year.
  12. The guy wants out of a Super Bowl contender so that he can get more exposure and more money. Let that sink in. No one in the NFL should ever want to trade away their shot at a Lombardi trophy and a Super Bowl ring (especially if they haven't got one) if they are on a team that is still very much a favored conteder. If he already had that ring, yeah, maybe. But honestly, if you aren't motivated to win a championship right now, then what kind of motivational addition is this guy going to be for a team? Let's not just pass but make it a hard pass. We've had enough guys come here because they wanted a paycheck.
  13. '98 Toyota Camry, ran when parked. Needs paint. 140k miles. FWD. $18,500. Sometimes it's the price. (And let's be honest, he was meh-ish while he was here (Pro Bowl is just a popularity contest) and he didn't act like he wanted to be here.) Let's just move on.
  14. Am I wrong in thinking that Jacoby's brother died tragically during one of the season's Jacoby played for Baltimore and then he turned in a massive, game breaking performance in tribute to his brother? Or was that another player? Either way, such a young fellow and apparently a really fine guy, taken too soon.
  15. Retirement fund managers really, really need you to keep $1 million in your retirement accounts to manage. And, well, so does the stock market. And some will tell you that, in turn, so does the economy. Really, though, it's who you are, what you want and how much cushion you want in your old age. Our country has a very difficult time dealing with the needs of the aged and this whole argument about how much money is needed really misses the point of what is actually needed.
  16. You know, it is fun to play, very challenging, great for building teamwork. But watching it, unless you've got a kid playing, is just a frikkin' snoozefest.
  17. RIP. Dude changed the way the game was played.
  18. So maybe 150 games? And maybe 200 goals... if your team is good? To each their own! We all decide our own fun.
  19. Khyber53

    Panthers Add a WR

    Good luck to him!
  20. We have no idea what's going on. Maybe fired, maybe took a different job, maybe decided to get out of the game to spend more time with family. Could be anything. Let's move on. It's not like any of us were really stoked about what was going on in his office. Most of us had never given it a thought.
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