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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. And you have absolutely nothing solid to back up those projections.
  2. Okay, I'm beyond intrigued now with the staff being assembled. I'm just going to sit back and watch this all unfold. I'm really liking this so far. It's like someone said, you want to make sure you have that locker room, then get a bunch of guys who have been players, who know the life, know the trenches.
  3. Okay, so maybe I'm a moron, but is there a specific button on the page to vote for her or do you cast a vote each time you click on her picture on the page???
  4. Great! Now you are free from that problem. Whew! May the rest of the things go just as smoothly.
  5. Some would also say that with all of those efforts, if we couldn't find a QB before, what makes you think that buy throwing away future resources that they will make the wise decision this time??? We don't have a draft position problem, we have a long-standing QB evaluation problem.
  6. Letting it go to collections can cause serious problems if they are looking to finance the next house.
  7. The key to every negotiation is realizing that both sides want to come out with some kind of positive result. Sometimes it's just the smallest victory someone needs before they will concede and walk away from the dispute. Some people don't realize what the real win is. In your case it is getting this settled and out of the way so it doesn't come back and bite you.
  8. Ayup. I'm probably right about this, too.
  9. And there's where you work it. Start by saying, "Help me out here, what things am I being billed for? Could you please itemize the services? Then ask them to resend the invoice for payment." Once they do that you can pick out the things that didn't get done... You have to get them to set the playing field, but only after you've led them to it. And when negotiating any of the items, always be apologetic and say things like, "Yanno, I don't remember that this service in line four was done, can you help me with that?" Always ask them to help you and you will make a lot of way on this. And never say you will pay until all of the negotiated prices are delineated in the invoice that you agree to. Then, pay it quickly and include a note saying Thanks for working with me on this.
  10. Except that in this case, a judge would ask you, "Did his workers go into your house?" "Well, yes, they did." "If they weren't working for you, why did you let them in?" Case closed.
  11. You don't have the popular opinion here but I think you have the right one. I think we need to resign Sam, quit worrying about a QB on day one and really use this draft to build a team. Part of that is because Sam played well at the end, and part of that is that we need more young, inexpensive talent on the field. The most cost effective place to get those players is in the draft and the real value skill players are on the board at #9 ... a veritable field of choices if you stop worrying about QB. Also, I think we should snag a QB prospect on day 3 of the draft. Both QBs from this year's FBS championship could still be available at that time. Both have knocks on them for size, but they have great competitiveness. Find QBs that are dyed in the wool winners there and you are way ahead of the game. Give Corral someone to compete against and see what our new HC can make of them.
  12. No football player lasts forever and the great ones never last long enough. I'll always think the world of Cam as a player and a member of the community. I hope he's having a great time and has enough money to keep him and his family going for the rest of his life. But we, like he, have had to move on. He's a part of our history and we should make him a part of our heritage, too -- we need to carry forward that fearless swagger, that competitive nature and that heartfelt love for his home.
  13. Yeah, he has legal basis to charge you the bill and then to seek remuneration for it. Your best bet is to try and negotiate down the price and then settle it. Chalk it up to experience.
  14. Always check for licensing AND that they have insurance and workman's comp insurance for their employees on site before doing ANYTHING. And if there is any actual construction, make sure to get a city/county inspection -- they'll tell you that it isn't necessary like they are trying to save you the hassle, but those inspections are to protect the home owner NOT the contractor. So many shady people in the home selling and constructing business. There are good ones out there, though. It pays to do your work to find them.
  15. Well, looking at the invoice, then checking the BBB site about them, they look like they've had some unhappy customers. I think I would ask them for an itemized invoice because you can't tell if they've done anything. A good company should be able to provide you with details. If they were at your house and did work at your request, which it seems they did, then they have a legal basis for the transaction. Your best bet is to get them to explain and itemize the work. You can then pick away at the things you know they didn't do and perhaps negotiate down the price. If you just bail, they have legal recourses that can affect the sale of your home, particularly a mechanic's lien which would have to be satisfied by either you or the buyer before the sale can be finalized. Stop trying to do this house sale on the cheap. Go find one of the big name real estate agencies to list and sell your house. It sounds like you folks have been screwed from the start with fishy deals and requests from the get go. There is a whole industry out there based on doing what you are going through, it is slimy and sticky. Pay the 2% more in commission and be assured that the bigger name companies (with real Realtor (TM) tags) will treat you better and within all bounds of the law. Edit to add: I got my NC Real Estate sales license in 1991 when I was 22 years old, I've completed the NC Residential Home Appraisers course, I would have been a fourth generation carpenter/cabinet maker, grew up doing carpentry with my Dad's family and masonry with my stepfather. My father and grandfather both had their own construction companies for decades (my grandfather built his last house at the age of 84 and his father ran a cabinet shop until he was 90). My father also ran a real estate brokerage and was a Realtor for 20 years before going back to school and getting his master's degree in architecture). I've bought and sold houses on the homeowner side as well. Not trying to puff up my credentials, just trying to show that I've got a bit of a foundation in this area. There are other people here that have even more experience than I. Trust them.
  16. I love Terry's candor and take on the situation. He has the rings, the gold jacket, a career in all aspects of football that's over 50 years long... and he's never, ever tried to say he's the smartest guy in the room (he says quite the opposite most of the time). I'll take his word for it. I really think the Payton/Denver/Wilson triad is going to set the tone for the next decade in the NFL over who really controls a team... the coach or the star QB. We've been living in the age of the QB taking over control. Right now we see teams like Arizona, Green Bay, Tampa Bay basically neutered by their star QBs and the ridiculous contracts. We're about to see another one happen in Baltimore. In Denver, it's going to be either one helluva public clash or somewhere behind closed doors Payton and Wilson are going to have to lay them on the table and see whose is the biggest. How that shakes out (really not trying to push the metaphor here) is going to set some dynamics. If Wilson loses out and then loses out on the field again, you can expect some of these big name QBs to be shown the door more handily than before and that perhaps the market won't be so hot for them. There is a third option possible, too. And that's that Denver has been a damned sucker twice in this, at both QB and HQ. Now that would be a fun laugh.
  17. Good point but both the Steelers and Ravens are really built to combat the run, it's a necessity in their division and for the climates they play in. Personally, I wanted us to draft a center early last season and snag one of the best. I still kind of wish we had, not because I don't like Bozeman (I do, I really do) but just the cost savings would have been considerable. Still, Bozeman and the IOL were night and day improved over where they had been. Tackles, too.
  18. The rumors of the 3-4 in Carolina have surfaced before, many times. They haven't panned out so far, so I'm going to do a wait and see thing here.
  19. He has been a major upgrade, although it seems he didn't get enough time as a starter to really evaluate what kind of impact he had on the team. I can say that once he took over, the entire line performed better as did the team. Really good centers can do that and they are the cornerstone for building long term success in an offensive line, which gives a good working environment for a QB, which opens up the game for running backs and gives WRs more time to get open. Yeah, it's an important position to get right. Unless there's an injury issue we are unaware of, Bozeman is absolutely the right choice for this team now. Whether he was the number 3 or number 10 center in the league on someone's arbitrary chart really doesn't matter. He was the absolute number one there for us.
  20. Best wishes to Coach Wilks. I think he'll do great there, he's certainly got a lot to work with.
  21. Maybe this? https://hiltonhead.disney.go.com/ Hilton Head is a really nice place and lots to do in the area.
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