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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  2. fug YEAH. SUCK IT YOU fuging *****
  3. fug them. We will beat their sorry asses too. Watch.
  4. fug I hate Ovechkin. fug I hate the Caps.
  5. Yeah, he isn't himself, for sure.
  6. Well we can't afford to lose after the fuging Rags won.
  7. We gotta do fuging better than this.
  8. That should be a fuging 5 on 3.
  9. I mean, the fact that basically his whole family was immediately thrilled he left said a lot. I kind of doubt he was truly upset. Maybe just a temporary pride hit.
  10. For a RB, it was actually a very nice haul. There was definitely no equivalent of the Rams offer on the table for CMC. We got about market value(pick wise). Then we immediately took those picks and flushed them down the toilet.
  11. That is sort of the story of us in general. We got one of the best hauls for a RB in recent memory(maybe the best in the next decade) but proceeded to basically squander those picks.
  12. I am taking Aho. He's due for one.
  13. Country?? They are gonna be using subtitles on national broadcasts for his interviews.
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