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About Panthero

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. That's it, if neither are there, trade down. I love Mason but not at 4, trade down to 8 and get an extra 4th rounder.
  2. Damn. Feel bad for the dude. Can't imagine how mad I'd be right now if Bryce wasn't starting to look decent. Lol. Why are the professionals so bad at this? Don't draft injured players end of story.
  3. Get a WR with the first pick. Resign horn, but don't get taken to school on the contract since he's been injury prone.
  4. Order for draft 1. McMillian 2. Graham or a top NT if we stick with a 3-4. 3. One of the top edge guys, not a big DE, but an OLB if we stick with 3-4. That guy from Ohio State of we go 4-3.
  5. Haha. Everyone was on our ass for not getting more. Put this in your pipe and smoke it.
  6. I agreed with everything up till the very end. I still think this team needs a number one wr and te.
  7. This is why I don't understand people who aren't as bullish as I am on taking WR with our number 1 pick.
  8. Same here. I couldn't find my ass with both hands. Fun to speculate in any case.
  9. I get the logic. Makes sense. And I'd take a center in the third. Mine breaks down 1. DL 2. WR 3. OL, brailsford would be nice.
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