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About Panthero

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. I don't have a problem taking an injured guy, even in the second but running back is just not worth it unless they think he'll be a top 5 back. High risk pick, more so with the injury. Even if he pans out, do you give a rb a second contract that's a 2nd rounder?
  2. That one where he looks like a T-rex?
  3. Yeah, yeah and my dick is bigger than everyone elses.....just ask me!
  4. I hope this thing dies. Beyond dead horse territory. We're in dust horse zone. Let go your hate, save you it can!
  5. If your Cousins can you really be mad? Look how much money dude has made for being above average.
  6. He belongs ahead of Mccarthy as well. Let's get real folks.
  7. Yeah, much preferred Coulson to Wallace. Wallace is the better coverage guy, but Coulson seems to understand what's going on a lot more. At least at this stage. More upside on Wallace, but Coulson is more likely to be ready to start if someone gets hurt.
  8. There was a lot of talent in the fifth, more than any in the last five years.
  9. Even if you don't like any of the picks recovering that 2nd was a golden move.
  10. i was noticing that CB and Edge are really deep. Didnt notice OT, but thats good to hear. We need to have succession plans for Clowney, Moton, and Gilmore (assuming we get him). further, Icky, JC, and Wonnum are not guarantees to work out. Could afford to double dip at all three positions if things go terrible.
  11. Man I hope Bryce works out but Carson Beck would be my early choice. Guys emerge, but I've been impressed watching him. Dude doesn't miss. Not sure if it's cause he's got more talent than everyone else (the old bama effect) or he's legit. Looked good to my untrained eye though.
  12. Can probably get a run stuffer NT for 2-4 million. Gonna be tight trying to sign the draft picks and Gilmore, let alone another player. May have to role with it or get a trade on.
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