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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Yeah....I remember the Teddy fanboys last year getting pretty quiet....
  2. Yeah but I was talking about the depth of the team.
  3. Yes but some things are just plain obvious. That's kind of one of them. It is what it is. Rome wasn't built in a day.
  4. I mean....we do know that for the most part.
  5. In this case it's less drafting well than it is complete lack of depth. It's going to take a few years to fully dig out of that hole.
  6. Normally, those lower round guys are bottom of the roster churn or long term developmental gambles. We just happen to be in a case where we kind of need those guys due to lack of quality depth or just general depth. We aren't the normal scenario.
  7. Agreed. We are grasping at straws to give us hope because with the projected starters, there is little hope.
  8. The real speculation is will my BAC level be at unsafe levels by 4:30 PM EST?
  9. Greg Little was a project once....
  10. TBD. Currently at work. If I get off before the game, whatever the sports bar has. If not....the packed lunch.
  11. I have to go to work tomorrow. If we get rained out, might be watching at Jimmy Johnson's Big Chill. My seats in the stadium will be filled with dirty, inbred Western NC hillbillies.
  12. We have a lot of reasons to be that as Panthers fans. We have seen these scenarios play out many times before, both with splash rookies that quickly fizzled out and 2-3 year unproductive players that turned into Pro Bowlers. Hence the reason I wince when I see this rookie class(or even the 2020 class) being lauded as our best in franchise history. Those kind of predictions rarely end up being the case, for us or any team.
  13. We will know fairly quickly. The OL situation is likely to be pretty rough in front of him. If he isn't able to overcome the decision making issues, it's going to be obvious.
  14. Well, they wouldn't exactly be studying him unless he was an opponent during the season. I can't blame them for not being super familiar as first year coaches
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