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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. Hey I posted in that thread! Edit: no I didn't. There is a Charlotte one too.
  2. Fun watch. Westbrook was -27 in the first half lol.
  3. Based on what I know about the NFL he has possibly been blackballed. The owners tend to support each other blindly. Which is why we haven't heard a word out of Gruden since he was let go. EB laid hands on a woman almost 30 years ago. That's a lot of nasty letters and a few canceled luxury boxes for whichever owner hires him. His DUI and college antics wouldn't move the needle. And it would not surprise me if there is some other offense we don't know about. Race is almost certainly a factor but you guys can tackle that one! I'd hire him yesterday if i were an owner.
  4. If it ends up being a couple inches +ice give credit to accuweather who has had that forecast for a few days. And Brad Panovich for calling it too. Darksky still has LKN at 9-13" as I type this.
  5. Seems like this is becoming the consensus.
  6. I got $50 that we get zero snow in Davidson. Been fooled too many times.
  7. I wonder what the same data looked like a year ago.
  8. Probably not unless the process started today and went really smoothly. Realistically 10 years.
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