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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. The ironic thing is, his second pick was bc he threw it *too* hard, but it's used to show he has a weak arm
  2. I defintely foresee No. 33 and 2025 No. 1 overall going for a cornerback at 17
  3. I'd love a good 375-yard game but hell, Cam only had a few of those in his entire career. Plus, with the WRs he's good, you're talking probably 200 yards of those needing to come from Thielen -- which, I hope he makes All-Pro, but we both know that situation won't come to pass. Regarding the special moments, this was absolutely filthy, the type play that's better than most of Stroud's throws. Pressured, spins out of a sack, eyes downfield, deep throw on target to a WR who is not wide open: This throw on 4th and 2 is impressive both from QB and WR. A 15-play, 86-yard drive to win a game would be "damn, AR's got that clutch gene, supercomputer midget processor can't do that" if it happened in Indy: So, yeah, I agree. I'd like to have seen some more big plays and coming from someone who wanted Stroud all the way, it sucks that this team once again made the wrong pick. But until time travel exists, we're stuck with who we have, and there's no use becoming a Texans fan over it. If he gets better, great. A good OL sure would help. but if not, hey, the No. 1 overall's only one season away.
  4. The super processor poo is funny bc often, as has been proven on game clips, there’s nothing to process because no one is open when he completes his drop and there are two DL in his lap — in which case it’s “he hold muh ball too lawng” to a certain few. inb4 “ur defending broken super computer processor megahertz AOL laptop midget” One can point out factual inaccuracies and still say a game is indefensible
  5. I’m not saying you have, I’m just addressing the claim he hasn’t improved. He has, and he showed it against Houston and then just made some bad rookie decisions against Indy. He needs to bounce back from that. But people want epic games every week and for a myriad of reasons — a certain LT among them — that’s unrealistic.
  6. If it works I don’t care much. If it detracts from a guy’s game it’s an issue. I don’t think that caused a turnover Sunday near as much as just not good decisions.
  7. Did you skip Week 8 like most people in this thread? He definitely looked improved —couple folks scrambling to delete where they said that — and I’ve already addressed how he’s likely to not often be that good this year but he won’t throw three picks every week either. People on here are just so manic.
  8. his average game this year will be better than yesterday's but probably worse than the Houston game. Selective memory from some on here have them forgetting the great plays he made that game, that they continue to parrot he can't do. Additional examples of selective memory include, conveniently ignoring his LT is the worst in the league. But Bryce's gotta be better. He IS better than yesterday -- and he needs to prove that.
  9. I felt like, mechanically, he was off. Decision-making was way off and his accuracy wasn't there, nor was his confidence. I liked his willingness to scramble and run for first downs -- he's gonna have to do that more often because it adds a much-needed wrinkle. He's better at it than he seems to think. I don't subscribe to the "noodle arm" BS because he's fit throws into tight windows (Thielen, 4th and 2, comes to mind) but the decision-making has to be better and sadly, the line and WRs need to give him more help than they're capable of providing.
  10. I thought he looked great against Houston. Commanded the offense, made some damn good throws spinning out of trouble or hitting guys in stride, and made the plays to win. Yesterday was the first "what the hell was that, Bryce?" game. Wonder if he'll bounce back.
  11. They also had CMC and Moore. Or Cam and CMC. The game plans have sucked and you've gotta respect throwing out plays that get yards, and stubbornly continuing to call plays that don't, though.
  12. Nope. That's why I set the bar at winning at least once every year. That's the bar as long as he's the owner.
  13. I’ve gotten the Alex Smith vibe — but people are mad and hurt and desperate for Randy Fasani comparisons
  14. Hell, if a guy with a worse TD-INT ratio and a worse QB rating is better because reasons, I guess we can safely say Bryce is better than half the league as long as you don’t look at stats and pretend the games didn’t happen
  15. Yeah I mean they didn’t happen in real life and they’re not in the box score either, but they’re there because you made them up and want them to be there.
  16. I think I just showed definitive proof the facts actually say yes lol
  17. Must’ve made them on defense, because it wasn’t on offense.
  18. A lot of what you said is valid but this made me audibly laugh. These stats are worse than Young’s by far
  19. Bro, hold up — half this fan base didn’t support Bryce after the first possession of the opening preseason game. Now, I mean, you don’t even believe what you just wrote.
  20. Looking at what Baker Mayfield did here vs what he’s doing in TB should speak far louder than the same posters who say “Bryce is the worst QB since Jeff Lewis,” “Darnold is the worst QB since Jimmy Clausen,” “Baker is the worst QB since Randy Fasani,” “Teddy is the worst QB since Dameyune Craig” There’s one common thread: Tepper.
  21. Not sure of that https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/cardinals/2022/10/20/andy-dalton-throws-two-pick-sixes-64-seconds-vs-cardinals-tnf/10557548002/
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