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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Love how the people defending a guy who gave a murderer his gun are somehow the true defenders of morality. Makes perfect sense
  2. What? That's some Kerri Strug-level mental gymnastics, guy
  3. Which of those did the Hornets pick?
  4. I see a bunch of dogshit, and some good pieces who need a good coaching fit to maximize. That good coaching fit is not here at present.
  5. I hope that Miller will be better than MKG and, objectively, I think he will be. But if it's not by much, ooh wee mayne
  6. Mitch is also senile, so that's worth considering. Miller's fans have more pre-made excuses than MKG's fans had in 2012. New franchise record!
  7. I didn’t complain about trading Duren. You have me confused with someone else.
  8. Bro, you need to learn to read. I defended Mark Williams relentlessly last year
  9. I have the bar set HILARIOUSLY low for this franchise, and they still don't come close to reaching it. Most any pro sports team in North America could meet these objectives while still tanking 2 out of every 3 years: 1) Draft BPA unless you're a perennial title contender (lol) 2) Do not draft/sign murderers/accomplices/wife-beaters/scrappy UNC sixth men who wouldn't get a contract elsewhere 3) Invest more than $30 in your coaching staff and hire people whose philosophies aren't linked to Hank Iba 4) Make the playoffs once every 3 years
  10. I appreciate your optimism and wish I could partake as well. I find that draft choice indefensible.
  11. The Hornets are major offenders (pun intended) of the NBA's biggest problem: the players run the league and set the rules. Haven't been this uninterested in what they do since I was like 4. Between no defense, players running the league, a star player going on a serial killing spree could make him sit for as many as 14 games, shooting 70 3s a game and the Charlotte Hornets reimagining themselves as the Trade Street Bloods, there's not much to keep me invested.
  12. It's the last one before MJ relinquishes power. The Graduation Presents are finally gonna be a thing of the past.
  13. Mods, can we combine all these into one "Hornets Crime Thread" discussion? That way you can get Miles, Miller, Bouknight and whichever player gets booked next. Maybe Hugo can wear an orange jumpsuit this season. He looked stoked about the Miller pick last night.
  14. The fact there's a thread called "Miller's Gun Case" for a guy who was just drafted, wrongly, at No. 2, really says it all
  15. Can't wait for MJ to be done with having any power, so his annual Graduation Presents can finally cease
  16. Again, you don’t know me. fug a cactus
  17. Eat a dick, dude. You don’t know me.
  18. "It wasn't even his gun, he just brought it to him" "Miles didn't even kill her, she's still alive" fug this franchise
  19. You do realize this team had a future superstar available to draft, and passed on him for that piece of poo?
  20. I mean, I was a hardcore Hornets fan for a LONG time -- but the NBA is pretty unwatchable to me now. The offseason is like pro wrestling with one player's camp mad at another's camp, the crime sprees go essentially unpunished, and the embarrassment this team has been for decades just turned me off. They don't even want to win.
  21. No matter what you say about Hurney, Rhule, whoever -- Mitch is probably the worst pro sports executive in Charlotte history
  22. He's a leader because the murderer wanted to use HIS gun
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