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Everything posted by R0CKnR0LLA

  1. I have no idea who that guy even is but OK, I get it, your mommy told you that you were a special little man and you don't like people telling you that your stupid ass little opinion doesn't matter. Go cry some more bitch, I'm done responding to you.
  2. Yeah I totally sound like a Trumper saying we should listen to facts, science and experts, not dumbass unfounded conspiracy theories. That's totally what Trumpers are known for. Thanks for yet another "hot take" dumbass.
  3. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO MY IGNORANT OPINION BASED ON IMAGINARY NONSENSE! STOP WITH THE CANCEL CULTURE! Bunch of special snowflakes that think their dumbass opinions are just SO fuging important. No, just cause some random idea popped into your stupid head doesn't mean it's relevant and we need to give it the same attention as actual useful information coming from experts. Dumbass.
  4. Heaven forbid we have an "echo chamber" of people posting useful information based on evidence and facts.
  5. This is the spoiled ignorant entitled attitude that is precisely the problem. The idea that someone's dumbass retarded opinion, based on made up BS they saw on facebook, is just as valid as facts and scientific findings coming from the worlds top experts. No, the world doesn't need more of these dumbass "viewpoints" thrown in to muddy the waters and give people that are already selfish toddlers an excuse to be idiots. If you don't have useful information to add, based in reality and facts, then just STFU, you're only making things worse.
  6. Trump obviously made things worse, but let's be real here, the only reason Trump is even president to begin with is because America has so many of these dumbasses. The federal government's response has been horrible but it was always going to be an uphill battle dealing with all of these retarded man-babies. That being said, there's a lot of leftist/Democrat types that hate Trump that don't bother to wear masks either. When you go out in public in CALIFORNIA of all places and nearly 100% of people are not wearing masks, you can't say that it's only Republicans. I've personally seen plenty of people whine endlessly about Trump when they can't be bothered to take 2 seconds to put on a mask themselves. Like yeah, Trump has been a useless incompetent moron, but you're part of the problem too, dumbass.
  7. Many of the stores had it already (it just wasn't done nationally). Talking to a bunch of people, the consensus is that there's a sign on the front door saying it's "required" but enforcement is non-existent and a huge percentage of people still walk around with no mask. None of the employees want to confront a non-mask wearer due to fears of them reacting violently. Murica!
  8. Most of the rest of the world has the virus largely contained. It's weird seeing so many Americans talk as if the massive amount of cases there are just inevitable and nothing could be done. Countries where 100% of people wear masks have almost no cases. But Americans would rather argue over dumb crap than to take the easy solution that's obvious to the rest of the world. But hey, don't let me interrupt you guys spouting your retarded nonsense, carry on.
  9. They could have done that with just the money they ALREADY spent, but they decided to give over 99% of relief funds to the super rich and huge corporations instead of our citizens.
  10. half of the posters here?
  11. this isn't a shipping service thread you gay homosexuals
  12. The top expert in South Korea says the same thing, significant reduction in transmission. I'd listen to them before anyone else. But I don't think there's any number of studies, facts or evidence that will matter to some of these people. They've made up their minds that "masks bad" and there's no convincing them otherwise.
  13. Watching people fight against wearing masks during a global pandemic has to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I remember that movie Contagion a few years back with Matt Damon, thinking that it was a very realistic depiction of a pandemic. If it had a bunch of people running around in public saying "Whatever, I'm not wearing a mask! Don't tell me what to do!" I would have thought that it was stupid as hell. Too unbelievable, something like that would never happen.
  14. I get that people don't want to be stuck in their homes forever, they want to be able to get back to a somewhat normal life. That's perfectly understandable. But damn, at least be responsible about it. This is basically the US right now
  15. You don't know what heard immunity means. You don't know what social distancing means. Stop spreading misinformation. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
  16. The death toll has surpassed that of the Vietnam war Closing in on the death toll from WW1 (in all likelyhood we've already surpassed it once you factor in numbers being fudged) Do your part people... don't spread misinformation, wear a mask, distance and follow other basic guidelines, and encourage others to do the same.
  17. Everyone in the world, not even close. There are plenty of countries where 100% of people wear masks anytime they are outside and the virus has been largely contained. It's only the stupid and selfish people in the US (and to some extent certain areas in Europe) that can't be bothered to do these very simple things and end up with a big explosion in cases.
  18. i think that's basically the playbook now, say something stupid and ridiculous and outlandish, almost forcing a response and correction, just to steer the conversation away from legitimate concerns and then stupid people will still be like "well I guess (when confronted with obvious lies and nonsense vs. hard facts and science) the truth is somewhere in the middle"
  19. yeah i almost said something earlier, like who does that, post a link like a normal person it's 2020 do you not know how to use the internet yet
  20. maybe but that doesn't change the point he was making
  21. life just isn't worth living unless I can sit in the stands drinking luke warm $13 budweisers while cheering on the panthers to an inevitable 3-13 season
  22. Since some seem to miss this point completely, the mask isn't there solely to prevent you from catching the virus. It's also there to prevent you from spreading it to other people if you have it. It's not enough to "cover your mouth when you need to" when you cough or whatever. You spread droplets from your mouth just from talking and breathing. Wear a mask people, again, it's not that hard.
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