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DeAngelo Beason

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About DeAngelo Beason

  • Birthday 08/20/1987

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  1. By far the least excitement I've had. I've never been so absolutely positive we are going to be terrible.
  2. Exactly. We were widely regarded as a playoff ready team that just needed a QB. Bryce Young dragged the team down, period.
  3. No. It's still pretty funny. I don't think we've even begun to scratch the surface of just how funny (and depressing) he, or his height can be.
  4. Terrace Marshall had a lot of potential and was flashing very nicely until pipsqueak took over under center. His decline, and the decline of the entire offense, can be completely blamed on Bryce Young's absolute ineptitude as a QB.
  5. The pick-6 on Cousins was arguably the best play we've had in 5+ years. Glad he's back.
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