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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Got to beat the refs and WFT since holding is not a thing on the "Team"
  2. they are running off tackle almost every single time. DAMN!
  3. Imagine if our defense would stop WFT's running game...
  4. We were supposed to lose to WFT LAST YEAR....not THIS YEAR
  5. Why is it PI if we wrap our right hands around a WR's hip, but it never is when the opposing team does?
  6. maybe Turner can be a competent O Coordinator since he has an Offensive Line in Washington.....let's hope Hurney can mess that up for the WTFs
  7. Damn Donte getting cheaper to sign if he keeps playing like this
  8. I am guessing Jarvis is staying put...he has definitely earned it. Freddie a little more human today and the passing/giveaways didn't help him. Svech needs to set a goal to take one or less penalties per game, maybe start with 2 or less.
  9. Yeah they tried to roughen the game up which was surprising as the Ducks rely on their speed more than anything, but I suppose the Canes matched their speed and skill well enough Plan B was in order. Once RBA went to Staal's line it really slowed the Ducks down and I really think the other lines followed suit and really started forechecking better and matching Anaheim's physicality. Another solid game...a few hiccups here and there but Freddie is playing lights out. We can't expect him to do it every game, but man has that been a solid signing.
  10. I do believe Sam is penciled in as our backup QB no matter what happens. It was a mistake to pick up that option, but sh#t happens. I am more interested in what we do moving forward at QB and on the O-line to be honest.
  11. Curtco cashed in, one person Brady has done good things for!!
  12. ain't too proud to get some of this victory pie!! #KeepPounding
  13. I will join in eating crow, although I didn't know Murray wasn't playing for AZ today. At any rate, I'm happy the Panthers won decisively...energy looks to be back and hell has frozen over because I ain't gonna front I haven't lived the cleanest life.
  14. Thinking you could make Sam into a QB1 behind the offensive line you put together in the offseason was foolish to begin with. Fix his footwork, give him more weapons, maybe he'll work out and be a steal.... yeah it took all of 3-4 games to get Sam seeing those ghosts again and throwing the ball anywhere he thought there was a chance one of his receivers could catch the ball because we put up traffic cones in front of him. Sam can have all the "natural" talent in the world and make 3-4 unreal plays a game, but at the end of the day he isn't an NFL QB1 and he sure as hell isn't behind an XFL offensive line. Rhule, Fitterer, Brady, Tepper....any of them that thought this would work out were delusional. Sam is definitely done as far as having a chance to ever start again and if anything would be a shaky #2. We only reinforced what Gase and Co. did to him in NY. That's on the FO.
  15. Marty is a 4th liner 4 Life! Love his grit and heart, but he's like a blind squirrel finding a nut when he does score a goal.
  16. As long as I don't see Marty rolling on the first line I'll be OK!
  17. Hart played really well, but damn why do the breakaways and alone in front of the net chances end up on the sticks of Staal and Martinook? Leino lost this game for us and we couldn't learn anything from what the Flyers were doing: throwing everything at the net and hoping for a goofy deflection or a lucky bounce...guess what? They got it!!
  18. Guy is relatively new to the team, has been hurt, and we have one of the most talented secondaries overall in the league and he's being thrown under the bus? DAMN!
  19. Not only that, but Brady runs the same plays every game so defenses are just sitting on those hospital routes ready to deliver the KO to these guys.....DJ, Robbie, CMAC all know it.
  20. Glad Tepper swallowed his pride and brought Cam home. I still think he has something left in the tank....my concern is will our offensive O-Line provide enough time for him to get the ball to DJ, Robbie, and Terrace? Also, will Brady play to current Cam's abilities and strengths? He does have CMAC and that should help...but Brady needs to really put in a playbook that will suit Cam not Sam.
  21. Miller, Eflein, and Daley for a book of coupons to McDonald's and a 7th round draft choice. (I know - we'd actually have to pay teams to take these guys off our hands)
  22. Watson got offended that Robbie Anderson was part of the trade.
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