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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Brady isn't the best coach for sure on the subtleties of running an offense, but I think he's being thrown under the bus for his overall performance. How can he be blamed for this offensive line and Darnold not being able to see open receivers?? He probably can't even put in 1/3rd of his damn playbook because of the o-line and QB. We all talk about running more...do you think this line can open enough holes consistently to have a run game? We can't get one fugging yard when we need to with the run game. We sure as poo can't have many passing plays with double moves or anything where it takes time for the play to develop because Sam has the defense in his face and has now gone completely off the rails and reverted back to throwing off his back foot, off balances, legs splayed every damn where because he's scared pooless of getting broken in half. There have been some poor situational calls, but I almost need to see the film for those plays before I blame Brady because I bet on a few of them we have had a receiver, running back, or tight end open and this flustercuck of an o-line and scared poo-less QB can't execute. The damn stupid running plays on 3rd and 1 and 4th and 1 are all on Brady though because my damn 6 year old knows they aren't going to work. tl,dr: If Brady is being blamed for this poo show then Rhule, Fitterer, and anyone else who thought this o-line would be decent enough for the NFL needs to call an Uber and get the hell outta BoA.
  2. Stefanski...... If we could go back and give Ron and Hurney the boot and elevate McDermott and Beane I would be much happier now even if we weren't at the Bills level. Defense fell apart when McDermott left.
  3. We don't have talent to protect the most important position either.... What a fluster cuck this has become....all those o-lineman that can play multiple positions. Rhule playing Legos with a football team.
  4. No QB we could get would be really successful behind this poo offensive line, but Darnold isn't the answer. So now: need 4 O-linemen, a QB, a punter, a kicker, a real SS or FS to allow Chinn to play one or the other, an NFL OC, and if he doesn't change an NFL Head Coach. Jury is out on Snow for me because he hasn't shown a lot of adjustments for the runs etc.
  5. Agree that we need someone to help Chinn....not sure Jackson would want to, but not a bad idea. I've had enough of Franklin and Chandler not knowing what the fug is going on.
  6. Gilmore was and is still on the PUP list....he couldn't have played today no matter what. Damn y'all. As for Henderson, I think he is still learning the system and is banged up. I don't care if it was a coaches decision or he was listed as injured...he doesn't change the outcome of this game. What we need is a competent Safety to play along with Chinn.....we are getting beat with Franklin and Chandler back there fugging up coverage whenever the opposing QB has time to throw.
  7. Stepan and Bear kinda low key additions that have really been nice the first two games. TDA playing well too - more up tempo than Dougie was which can be a blessing and a curse. As many have said Fast is really overlooked, but that's cool I hope teams continue to overlook him. So far I'd say the team looks really focused and I haven't seen too much wandering around on the ice from the guys. Hope Freddie gets a little better at rebound control. Let's go Canes!!
  8. If he will actually make physical contact with the man he is supposed to block he is an improvement over Daley and Miller.....
  9. Dougie valued the $$$$ over a better chance at winning a Cup. The almighty $ always wins it seems....
  10. I know I may get a lot of crap about this, but as good as Dougie was for us we may just need TDA's edge and tenacity on this team. Our PP looked really active and solid last night and TDA didn't back down from any part of the game.
  11. Ned staked out to a 4-1 lead and the Red Wings couldn't hold it....again he doesn't have the Canes D in front of him anymore. Time to see if you are an above .900 goalie or not...
  12. I think the jury is still out on that one, probably won't know until a few years. Ned could have a really rough season in Detroit.
  13. I have to say Andersen's rebound control seems a little shaky tonight. Hope he calms it.
  14. Well we shouldn't be feeling as much pressure as we probably do since the real score is 4-2, but maybe the guys won't put it on cruise control.
  15. Turbo is having a game and man if we can keep passing like this all season we can be big trouble!
  16. That's a goal if they overturn this Rod is going to roast the NHL....and they deserve it!
  17. We are taking advantage of our team speed, especially when they roll ol' Chara out there!
  18. It seems like we are letting the Isles get right in front of Andersen a lot.....
  19. Mike said that's how his parents say it so that's how they are going to say it!
  20. I want to see the overhead camera angle on Barzal's supposed goal....if it went all the way over the line then fine, but we don't get to see that shot? WTH? Until I see that the score should be 2-0. Hope the guys keep flying like this tonight, very good start overall...except for the ref screwjob.
  21. I mean after that epic 4 play 27 yard drive he led them on I am sure he felt like Superman....
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