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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. I'm not giving him a pass. He has worked hard to get where he is. He has earned this opportunity. I'm not sorry that you're not as excited about it as I am. Stop throwing poo against the wall just because we don't agree.
  2. I said what I said. I meant what I said. I am sure he'll have his own words on his press conference to speak of himself.
  3. Thank you for saying what you have. Can't believe anybody who knew of Dan even open up their mouths and say anything negative of the man. He has worked his ass off to have this opportunity. I am sure that he is excited and prepared to turn this franchise I into a proud one.
  4. Dan shouldn't have to answer any questions regarding the previous GM.
  5. He's every bit as qualified as anyone you can name. There is no reason to hate on this hire.
  6. Morgan was just as qualified as any candidate. To want to pass on him because he was here while Fitt was here is asinine.
  7. How Dan carries himself. He is an alpha. Natural leader of men. In otherworldly, he's not a yes man.
  8. I've been part of a management team where the main manager was a class A idiot. Didn't make every member of the team the same way. This shouldn't even have to be spelled out.
  9. I merely pointed out the man that Dan Morgan is. He's an alpha. Not a yes man. Was that so difficult to understand? Just because there has been failure and disappointment in the front office, doesn't mean you can paint every member with the same brush. That's stupidity on a level that just shouldn't exist.
  10. Dan Morgan's experience in front offices go back before his current tenure here. His work in these capacities is highly respected throughout the league. My comment about his as a player was more to the fact that he isn't a yes man. Seems many couldn't figure out that extremely difficult reading.b
  11. After I read the first 2 pages, I'm convinced that most fans don't even know one of the best MLB this franchise has been blessed with. Is it just Tepper hate that has so many just throwing poo like monkeys?
  12. I never said the oline was responsible for all the sacks. Not sure why you wasted your time arguing that.
  13. Can't even remember the last time I went to their website. Purchase one of their mags? Forever.
  14. While the average is what it is... My own eyes whitness the line being blown up often, and setting the offense back. I understand wanting to lay accountability where it belongs, which is why the oline get a lot of blame. I'm not alone on this. Most of the respected experts would agree. This isn't saying letting Bryce off the hook. He most definitely does need to improve. The fact he played behind this horrid oline as a rookie, plays a BIG part as to his problems this last season. Don't give up on Bryce because of this season. The Panthers most certainly won't.
  15. Fantastic m9ve for the Falcons. Not so much for the rest of the division.
  16. Huddle is completely on the, "Young is a bust" train. Don't speak of any good about the kid, they'll just ignore it and throw more shade.
  17. NFL policy and signed contracts = duck move by tepper and company? STFU.
  18. Baker was handcuffed by the coaches and scheme. When he went to the Rams, he was told to be himself. He has done just that in Tampa.
  19. The decision was pretty unanimous. Ultimately the GM and HC made the decision. It doesn't matter. Bryce is our guy, and while I expect competition to be brought in, they're not just going to give up on him after the poo show that this team was this last season.
  20. The story on Bryce is not written. Am thrilled for Stroud and the Texans. I don't hold anything against the Panther decision making. They picked their guy. They believe in him. I certainly haven't given up on Bryce. I know most will always compare the 2. I have no desire to. Our teams problems this last season were much bigger than just our rookie QB.
  21. They certainly don't give much reason for non-casual fans to like them or even give a damn about them.
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