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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. If you can't use a search button on your own, then that's not my problem. Once again, I don't care enough to waste my time proving to you who I am. I know who I am. The only time you ever quote me is to call me out anyways, so you're always have an agenda with me. You need to stop trying to tell.me.who I am.
  2. Lol interesting perspective. Thanks for your opinion. BTW, I have been on record more times than I can count for disagreeing to the teams decisions, since their inception. Don't worry about back tracking. I learned not to give a fug about what others think of me long before I was adult. I know who I am. One last fact. I have zero desire to waste my time, talking out of my ass. It doesn't matter whom is talking out of their ass, it's a complete waste of time, because nobody is going to believe them anyways. While you feel otherwise, I pray that you learn that valuable lesson sooner, rather than later.
  3. I don't disagree with you, even through there is plenty of evidence from successful coaches whom like to, "buy their own groceries. "
  4. I read it from Darin Gantt. I swore it was in ask the old guy, but it might have been else where. https://www.panthers.com/news/ask-the-old-guy-the-search-continues I don't get caught up in keeping links of information I find intriguing. Not sure why anyone would assume I'm talking out my ass. Take me for my word, or don't. I don't go around blowing smoke.
  5. Ireland is a great choice though, with a more proven record than Fitts. Hard to be upset about that.
  6. That exactly what you are doing!!! I have zero problems with criticism, excuse me if I don't bow down to your weak challenges.
  7. Evidently you don't read much of outside of here. Cool. As for details, nobody knows the details, but those inside of the teams that have inside knowledge have gone on record that Wilks has a strong plan. No HC candidate is publicly laying out their plan, so not sure what you expect to prove here, other than, "Wilks is a conservative defensive minded coach." It amazing how every defensive minded coach is considered conservative, despite the evidence of their defenses never being conservative.
  8. I've deleted the part of your post that doesn't pertain to me. Thanks for your assumptions. As for this, good luck. I don't get caught up in childish behavior.
  9. Most proven candidate, and Fitt is still part of the process. It does make sense that Sean bring guys he has worked with before. He can't bring Loomis, he is not an option. Sean may promote someone into the GM role, or he may ended up liking Fitts from the start. Fitts is a proven talent evaluator, and has a good record so far for what he has been asked to do here, which isn't a whole lot different than what Sean is going to be asking of the GM. Regardless whom we end up with, we as fans don't get a voice in it.
  10. Arizona? Give a break. And this last season he has done the best with what he was handed. I don't expect you to open your eyes. Most around here love their blinders.
  11. I feel ya. How I've been since Cams last full season Herr, is different than how I was before. I'm with ya. Hard to get get bent out of shape over things ya can't control. It's difficult to have faith in the decisions made, but I've NEVER had faith in decisions made, because it's like that with every team. I've disagreed with the majority of the decisions since the beginning, ESPECIALLY with giving full control to Capers. What a shut decision, and everyone knew it at the time.
  12. So you're ignoring all other facts, to support your agenda. Got it. No point talking to you any longer.
  13. Holcomb is interviewing else where, and the Panthers are interviewing other DC's. Your stance seems kinda silly considering the information at hand.
  14. You already know my take on that anyways.
  15. And yet he may be perfectly fine with Fitt. It's not like Loomis is going to come over from the Saints to join Sean.
  16. I'm totally okay with Wilks. Information is easily available that he has a very strong plan when it comes to the offense. I feel the fear of him being conservative is not justified, but you can't convince the others of it.
  17. Sean has ALWAYS had a GM. That isn't going to magically change.
  18. I know Fitt is heading up this head coaching search. And he's going to give his seal of approval, or step down. Sorry if I don't buy your conspiracy theory.
  19. I under the picks thing. Even then, it won't even be in the top 10 of worst decisions made by this franchise.
  20. I get the sentiment. I was just as angry. And still find that unacceptable. Pretty sure he won't be bringing that to the Panthers. If he does, I'll kill him myself.
  21. We still would have lost, and you'd still be bitching. It's amazing how Wilks was praised for his in game adjustments when we were winning, yet when we lose, it's the same old song and dance. Everybody ignores the obvious, so they can support their own agenda.
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