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DJ feed me moore

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  1. yeah but the patriots are actually using their brains and keeping him at QB2 cause their OL is complete poo. something we should have done for Bryce but Tepper wanted to shoe horn him into the starting role during fuging OTA's.
  2. meanwhile.... such a shame, would have loved to be a panther. Show me a bryce throw this long someone please.
  3. no defensive ends though... classic panthers. this season is going to be a DISASTER.
  4. and ppl think we have a chance with this guy? delusional.
  5. https://adblockplus.org download this you boomer
  6. why not just get a new stadium instead of wasting nearly a billion dollars putting lipstick on a pig?
  7. I think a single thread could suffice.
  8. https://x.com/AdamSchefter/status/1800543974438129758 Reminder we didn't even get a first round pick for the best player in the NFL.
  9. No way, 2 starting caliber corners are on the board, take one!
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