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Everything posted by Panther'sBigD

  1. I can't believe it's finally happened. I agree with you on something. Gross.
  2. True. Anyone in here who was actually alive/a Panthers fan back when they drafted TD remembers the incessant bitching that went on regarding TD being a wasted draft pick since they were converting him from safety to LB. It was years and multiple surgeries before he was the TD that people wistfully remember nowadays. Jury is out but it sure feels like that's the trajectory that Shaq is on now.
  3. It's really not a problem, unless you're trying to dunk on someone over a technicality. Stop trying so hard, it's just a message board.
  4. You act like I read through every single post before I respond to your dumbass one. That's not how it works.
  5. Based on the timestamps, she did tweet that a full day after the Gantt piece came out on the Panthers site, so his version was already out there. I don't doubt that Cam actually said, "Say less" in response because Rhule would have understood what he meant. Cam is also media savvy enough to know that he'd need to paraphrase for the media so they wouldn't create a "Cam is silencing Rhule" narrative. So Sheena Quick did it for them. That was shitty of her. Not going to call her a troll, but it's a bad look.
  6. She didn't leave out words or change them. Jesus, you guys are ridiculous.
  7. You don't need to poo on Sheena Quick. She is what she is. She's not a troll; she has a decent amount of connections and she's using it to chase clout until it turns into something more. That is a valid strategy in this day and age. Knowing that, it should be easy to understand that the majority of her tweets are meant to be provocative.
  8. There are plenty of situations in sports where a play is ill-advised but it works and the coach tells the player not to do it again, despite the fact that they loved the outcome. Look at the way the players, especially Cam, responded the rest of the game. It's fine. It shouldn't need to be said, but it's fair that he said it, since he'd say it to anyone else who did it.
  9. Understanding the context aside, Sheena Quick needs to find a different way to burnish her twitter clout. Reading the replies to her tweet, it's clear that more people took it the way OP did, and that's unhelpful.
  10. God, not this again. People misconstruing something because they don't understand/take time to understand context. This reminds me of people calling Cam and his friends gangbangers because they wore bandanas over their faces during an ATV tour.
  11. We both know that was a MUCH different trade than what’s being discussed in this thread.
  12. Who in their right mind would ever trade away draft picks to get rid of a $20M salary?!?!@?! EAT IT, draft his replacement and move on. We've been saddled with way worse contracts over the years. This is nothing.
  13. LOL. You're not talking sports, you're imagining front office scenarios as it if were some sort of fan fiction. Calm down E.L. James.
  14. Come on, man! Don't you want to get in on the narrative building? This board needs another two page wall of text from one of our many amateur sportswriters, telling us exactly who made what decisions and who is on the hot seat. Seriously though, thank you for your brevity.
  15. This whole "Ron knows Cam" narrative cracks me up. What's he going to do to Cam with all of that 'knowledge?' His defense is on IR, and he's going to have a hard time slowing down Cam now that he's not his coach. He can't bench him for not wearing a tie on the bus, or run him into the ground because his OC is too busy eating paste to draw up a decent game plan. IF, and that's a massive IF, he's able to stifle Cam, we can just swap in PJ and blow his mind. Ron is trash against backup QBs, and with our current setup, basically both Cam and PJ are backups depending on who's in the game. Call it Schrödinger's QB.
  16. Ah yes, can’t wait to see the tears/delight in some little rich kid’s eyes as they wrench that ball away from their sibling or poor friend they brought to the game. I’m kidding. Sort of. Those tickets are expensive as hell!
  17. LOL, you guys are killing me. Y'all remind me of that car commercial where the kid in the Darth Vader thinks he's controlling his dad's remote start car with the Force. We did it guys! I'm sure fandom had something to do with it, but it's also that Cam can still play, and we didn't have anyone close to his talent level on our roster.
  18. So you're one of those Stephen A. Smith types that thinks Cam is a 'box office' signing? Got it.
  19. Wanting our money and wanting our input on how to run his business are nowhere near the same thing.
  20. Add to this that Donte was wildly inconsistent and seemed unhappy before Rhule/Snow got here. I think everyone remembers that team meeting where he blew off all of the vets on Hard Knocks. Last year was the first year he seemed really happy on the sidelines, and this year he's a legit leader on defense. I give Rhule and Snow credit for that. I give Rhule credit for bringing in Snow when everyone was certain it was just cronyism that made him bring Snow with him to the NFL. Boy were those people wrong.
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