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  1. Just give me my flowers when Johnson proves to be a top 10 WR this season. I was high on this trade more than anyone else. People talking about trading for Tee Higgins and adding another #1 WR. I'm like we already have a #1. His ability to separate off the line of scrimmage is elite like top 3 in the league elite. Bryce likes to get the ball out quick. This is going to be special people Mark My Words!
  2. Curry was gonna be a bust even at that time the thought of a Wake Forest product being a top 5 pick was laughable to me. He was just a good talent on a bad football program. That made people fall in love with this Cinderella story.
  3. Maybe they not liking what they see from Mango and TMJ. It doesn't hurt to bring him in and see if he can make the roster.
  4. The comments in this thread are hilarious. Keep it up guys!
  5. Ayo! That man so excited he forgot how to talk. Dude just ready to play some damn football fug then questions lol.
  6. I'm convinced most of this sub has a lil weenie. Only insecure people are this obsessed with a person size. I thought the Bryce small jokes were done last season, yet here we are again repeating the same nonsense smh.
  7. I hope you wearing sunscreen in that heat. You don't want to get skin cancer stay safe out there.
  8. Yeah I literally went outside for 30 minutes and came back into the house with musty balls. Summer is just sticky and sweaty for me. I literally hate it.
  9. In the near future practicing outside is going to no longer be a thing. I hate summer and I'm in the house most of the time with A/C. I can only imagine practicing in this weather for hours. My respect for construction workers and people who work outside is greatly appreciated. All I get out of summer is a couple of beach trips and high light bill from running the A/C 24/7. Fug summer!
  10. Is there a reason why we are still in Wofford? Mr Richardson is no longer the owner. Why not find a new better location? Coastal Carolina?
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