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Everything posted by Shocker

  1. I am calling bullshet on this one.
  2. Fairly steep price but Zeller, Bridges, Graham and next years first probably gets it done. The big loss there is Bridges IMO and not the first as that is probably a non lotto pick. Probably weren’t resigning Zeller and maybe couldn't afford Graham either. Still lots to give up but Vucevic is one of the best bigs in the NBA.
  3. All those alley oop slams take it at of you. Let em rest
  4. 3-3 on this west coast trip is a good deal. Nice blow out tonight.
  5. No one will like it but Darnold is pretty comparable to Wilson which means he is probably better than the rest of these first round bums.
  6. In all seriousness I would give them like a 4th rounder. Tops.
  7. I want Walter Cronkite Donaldson is a turnover machine
  8. Another one is: A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion
  9. With all the “Panthers will pay any price” crap if I am Houston I want: Next 3 first rounders, next two second rounders, Burns and Chinn. I mean its a blank check right?
  10. Butcher names much? Lonzo Ball
  11. He has apparently had a DUI in the past as well as a laundry list of other crimes.
  12. Thanks man...is the package that is needed really 85$ a month? Damn that is steep if so
  13. Police have said Britt Reid admitted to investigators to having had "two or three drinks" along with prescribed Adderall before the crash. He needs to get serious time for this....unacceptable behavior
  14. Man, it is an amazingly brutal fact that this franchises fans have not been able to see this team in person. The new Hive would have been so sweet. Future season ticket holder incoming
  15. I want Big Mac Jones at this point. I am converted. I keep watching him and he is the #3 guy.
  16. Agree...Hayward and Rozier have also been amazing. Most people have pigeonholed this team as an 8 seed but forget that IMO. Top 4 seed is totally in reach and major damage in the playoffs is a serious possibility I would just keep the team together and let Kup continue to build. Kup has been amazing
  17. Lamelo’s impact on this team cannot be really calculated. Totally different squad. I saw Biz with a no look pass to Bridges for the dunk last night. He has made everyone better. Can we sign him to a 20 year deal? He is a special, special player. Malik is a CORE guy right now. Sign him immediately to a long term deal. Those two are the future.
  18. The way things are going for this team I am not making a trade right now. Keep what we have and draft a big next draft. Resign Monk immediately. This squad is straight prime time right now.
  19. JBs comments...love it With no Gordon Hayward... "It goes back to that term of resiliency, never dropping the sword, never giving in and fighting until the final second,'' Hornets coach James Borrego said. "They had to miss some free throws to help us out, but we found a way. Down men, we found a way to win. Just proud of our group.''
  20. He is getting lots of love all over. Deservedly so. That damn come back last night was awesome! Monk is really damn good right now and PJ with 42? Damn.
  21. Yeah this will probably happen...too many unknowns with Lance. Question is will he go before Fields as well? I think both would be mistakes personally.
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