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  1. Ima be honest, he looks more 5'8 than a legit 5'10. I mean, just look at this picture. Kyler Murray is a legit 5'10 and even he looks like he has an inch or two over Bryce and more bulkier
  2. It legit looks like he lost some inches. At some point, this is going to get to him (if it hasn't already). And a alpha leader can't be self conscious. Hope not though, I want the guy to succeed because that means we succeed. If he starts balling on the field, nobody will give a fug.
  3. Why would expectations be high? We've been the worst team in all of sports the past 5 years lol
  4. It's only creepy if it's a man saying it, right?
  5. It's more about the process and mindset for me. Because every team is going to miss on players. But if the logic is there, I have no problem whiffing on a player. It's when we take players like Vernon Butler as a luxury when we had the best tandem in the league instead of going after someone like Michael Thomas when we had a dire need at WR. Or drafting the 2nd best CB over the consensus #1 rated CB (Horn over Surtain). Or drafting taking a 5'9 QB over an equally rated 6'3 QB. Or drafting a long snapper over Trey Smith when a guard was a big need for us. So for me, it's not about who we draft, it's about whether the pick makes sense from a need or BPA standpoint, which more times that not leaves me saying "WTF" during the draft.
  6. Eh, take that with a grain of salt. CJ Stroud was "struggling" in training camp and preseason before he lit the league up. Cam Newton the same way. I just hope Bryce plays like a true #1 pick this year so Panthers football can be fun again. Fug everybody else
  7. Wow, Jstew looks like he's lost about 30 lbs. Good for him, dude is looking healthy
  8. I don't either tbh It takes more than just knowing the game inside out to be a good commentator. Timing, personality, energy, etc. Brady doesn't strike me as a guy that has an energetic tone in his voice. More monotone if anything. Fox really screwed the pooch with this one. This is the equivalent of cutting your QB that just won MVP lol
  9. That Bryce game vs LSU is all I needed to see to know he wasn't it. I said in one of the threads that Bryce will be seeing pressure up the middle ALL THE TIME in the NFL. He struggled MIGHTILY in that game (and Texas for that matter) because of that interior pressure.
  10. Honestly, training camp and preseason will tell me a lot. Last year's preseason was one of (if not the) worst preseasons I have EVER witnessed. A lot of us even said it right away but got met with (lol it's only preseason.......vanilla playcalling......durr). I want execution in the preseason. 1st and 2nd string able to pull together some successful plays/drives and not look like the worst team in the NFL in all phases getting bullied by other teams 3rd stringers against our 1st stringers like last year.
  11. In order for this to be successful, you need: 1) A top tier RB like Lynch (maybe we got one in Brooks?) 2) A franchise QB on a rookie contract (got the rookie contract part down) 3) A dominate/opportunistic defense (could have that as long as Evero is here) 4) A QB able to CONSISTENTLY hit the deep shots when they are there (hasn't been evident yet) 5) A QB who can scramble and make plays with his legs (saw a glimpse of that Bryce's rookie year) It could work. It really all just comes down to if our #1 pick can make that jump.
  12. Damn. Was really rooting for the dude to make the team. He's had sh*tty luck just in general with him losing his brothers the way he did and obviously his injuries. Dude can't catch a break man. Rooting for him wherever he ends up.
  13. Players like Smitty and Brady are far and few between. It's about CONSISTENTLY drafting the right players. Look at our last recent drafts. We would be better off right now had the huddle just made the picks. And it would cost them millions of dollars less.
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