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Everything posted by CRA

  1. I mean, my stance doesn't change. I echo the same one almost every player and coach speak of. it was a bad call. we focus on the ones at the very end of the game. But the game is decided by 60 minutes. And the cumulation of all those other plays outweighs one call, no matter where the bad one comes. Refs make bad calls from start to finish. That's why you get 60 minutes. I'm not apathetic to the calls. They blew them. They blew others. They will blow a bunch Sunday vs the Giants too. Will they do it on the last play of the game? Hopefully not. and I'm sure in their mind they botched it because they errored on the side of just letting the players decide the end. Is what it is. We had plenty of opportunity to not let any one call dictate it.
  2. Gantt dipped his toe in PFF ratings for 1 game. Yet PFF ranked Bozeman as the 14th best C last year. also, Elffien's PFF grade Sunday was below Bozeman's overall grade on the year last season at C. So it's not like Elflien wow'd.
  3. it was a horrible call. but players and coaches in the NFL will consistently tell you it's not one bad call that determines any game. It's what you did all those other plays and that cumulation that really determines the outcome. Fans just focus on the last plays. All those horrific drives earlier in the game in reality are more impactful to what the eventual outcome was. you can't be the joke we were all game and then blame the refs because they fugged up on a drive. We set the stage for it.
  4. Ben McAdoo has always done that.
  5. yeah, which I as take as the in-house position.
  6. The Huddle: 75% - Its Matt Rhule 16% - I'm really trying hard here to hold out hope 9% - why are these clowns messing things up for Matt Rhule! What did you expect? Rattles off a list of excuses longer than Matt Rhule himself would.
  7. Ask The Old Guy: One play can change a lot (panthers.com) I assume Gantt has a decent feel on the in house narrative. sounds like Elflein is going to be the starting C for the time being.
  8. HC gig is largely managing people, schedules, and game day scenarios. Yeah, Luke needs experience but... Luke Kuechly right now IMO could put on a headset and manage a game better than Matt Rhule.
  9. DL coach, LB coach, secondary coach. Phil Snow is untouchable IMO. Rhule needs him too badly for his next job. I don't see Snow getting tossed under the bus unless he willingly tells Rhule to do it and they have plan in place to be in college next year.
  10. Just becomes about self-preservation. It's what coaches do. Fire the OL coach. Bench the QB. Find something to buy you another week and not get fired in season.
  11. Payton really easily eyeballed the Panthers as a team that will go to a 2nd QB this year and not because of injury. The shitshow is so obvious to basically everyone but 10% of the Panther fanbase. The QB move IMO will clearly just be because we are floundering and firing coaches and benching QBs is all Rhule can really throw against the wall as his evitable end comes
  12. they are obsessed with Matt Rhule. Joe Brady to them is really a Rhule thing. They wanted for Joe Brady to take ALL the blame for the horrible O, Sam Darnold, roster moves, draft picks, inflation, and monkeypox. Just a tool to deflect from Rhule. I mean, Brady wasn't good. But Brady was a symptom of the problem in reality. And pointing that out causes their brains to go insane. Just like the O got worse when Brady left last year. Just like it is horrific this year. McAdoo sucks too. But like Joe Brady. McAdoo is a symptom of the problem. He is this years Joe Brady.
  13. You don’t credit the OC for the outcome of a blown play. You credit CMC.
  14. After 3 drives CMC had one carry After 5 drives CMC had 2 carries At halftime and after 6 drives CMC had 3 carries. It’s a bad staff. And they probably will drastically overreact the other direction this week.
  15. Baker fumbled the snap. CMC recovered the fumble. It becomes a busted play. It’s why you don’t see it on the run chart. It’s not a run play at that point. It’s CMC making magic happen outside of a play. so again, the best run by CMC on the day was not a McAdoo run play. That’s not a McAdoo play call/design getting yards.
  16. And the D can help dictate Baker keeping it too.
  17. I’m stating that rational is dumb if true. The gameplan was dumb. best run of the game was not a McAdoo play call. CMC picked up a botched snap and got into space…..took it 30 yards. You would think he might of learned something from watching it. And you would think it would be something he figured out before week 1.
  18. maybe we should look to upgrade our RB. Maybe we could pay big bucks and get one of the best RBs in the NFL. Oh wait.
  19. Just a night and day difference in how the Browns and Panthers opted to threaten the opposing D w/ the run.
  20. I am certain if that exact same situation occurred to 32 other teams. The other 31 coaches don't all act the same as Rhule did in that moment. They aren't going to let the game go on just as Rhule did. That play was the game. Rhule IMO should of done more. That's his job. No fight in him. None in his team. Get the refs over there. Plead the case. Go over the play. Demanded answers. There could of been more discussion before the ball was ever snapped again. NFL refs have made clusterfugs out of plays and eventually gotten the correct call in the end. and let's not forget the game ended with Matt Rhule with a timeout in his pocket.
  21. I don't feel comfortable giving any NFL team a minute to get into FG position to win a game. I mean, that's basically how games are decided every single week. You can't give the opponent the opportunity. That's the point. And Rhule was cool with. You go get a first down. 10 yards. You kill their opportunity. Hell, The Golden Calf of Bristol could get it together for a final drive. Lot of QBs can do it. Game gets different. Ds play different. O play calls get different. It's a game you don't want to play.
  22. McAdoo is predictable. The NFL has spoken on that. And there is nothing that speaks otherwise to date. There is no burden on me to prove it. You would have to prove McAdoo isn't a predictable and bad playcaller.
  23. it wasn't just a predictable O. It was everything I listed added together. That's how the shitshow goes. but yeah, McAdoo isn't a good OC. He runs predictable poo. He isn't imaginative. He we got exactly what the NFL has said for years they weren't interested in. Rhule could of had Baker more prepared. Rhule opted to have joke competitions. All this was talked about going into the season. And not just Baker, he should of had Baker getting first string reps out of Wofford, the starting OL set, and repping everyone properly. Because none of it was a mystery.
  24. they were averaging that in part because their game plan was to run on us and play it safe. It's not like they were trying to go Pat Mahomes on us and couldn't. If you give any NFL QB a minute plus to get into FG range that is always playing with fire in the NFL.
  25. a blown coverage just takes one person to mess it up. NY said McAdoo was a horrific playcaller and game manager once Tom Coughlin didn't have this thumb all over McAdoo. And he basically was blackballed by the NFL from ever doing it again. No, McAdoo's bad gameplan didn't cause those other things you mentioned. That was addressed early too. That is Matt Rhule having a team comically unprepared. Well, you can put the Icky thing on McAdoo and Rhule. Again, a disastrous week 1 gameplan they had for their rookie LT. Take the QB/C exchange. It was clearly going to be an issue and it was talked about going into the season. The lack of reps. The exchange issue surfaced in the preseason. And even during the game guys with access claimed it was a problem in the practice leading up to the game. Matt Rhule then lies and say it totally wasn't a concern or problem in practice and act like it came out of left field LOL.
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