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Everything posted by CRA

  1. definately need to limit Gilmore. The best QB/WR play comes at the end. Obviously you play him on Diggs. Not sure about Tampa. I actually think Brown is the important cog to Brady doing what he does with that O. Despite Evans/Godwin being the big names on the outside. Bucs O just functions better with Brown in vs out.
  2. This. Got to think the Wash crowd was buying them before the last couple days and they always snatch them up at a high rate.
  3. Washington always represents in large numbers at BOA. And tickets were pretty cheap 2 weeks go online. so I would assume the normal amount for Washington show up, which will be a higher opposing fan average than the norm.
  4. I think his tackling has gotten better. But yeah, he always flown up quick in run support. He has never been shy about throwing his body around to make tackles.
  5. I'm all about keeping him. But not at the price levels people are talking about Jackson. If Jackson wants top CB money then another team should write that check. One really good season in a contract year doesn't warrant top CB money (and basically still has a half a season to go for this season to be logged as a great one). and while he has played great this year. He essentially has been the getting the #2 a lot vs a lot of weak QB play. So I am not comfortable paying him big lock up #1 WR money when that just isn't what he has been IMO.
  6. I want the Saints to win. Philly already owns the tiebreaker over us and the Philly remaining schedule is super soft. Giants x2, Jets, Redskins x2. Saints remaining schedule is much tougher and we play them. So I we are in playoff contention, I think we would own the tiebreaker over the Saints.
  7. I mean I know everyone hates Shula as OC but… Cam went 51-28-1 Playoffs 4 of 5 years MVP it’s not the worst place to look for some plays.
  8. Yeah, I was one of the first people to support Cam coming to Carolina. Way before it was trendy. My view then is my view now. Nothing has changed. It was a conditional. If you have Cam Newton. Then you let Cam do what makes Cam special. You let a lion roar. Otherwise, he isn’t special and then what’s the point. You let Cam be Cam. That’s how he could save our season. No point in neutering him. And given how late he is coming in you absolutely have to run him. and his entire career, I’ve been more worried about him getting hurt in the pocket than running.
  9. In terms of his football body, Cam’s last healthy season was really 2020. And they ran the heck out of him. Cam was run harder last season than any of his career. Yes, he was quarantined with a virus during a pandemic for one game. That’s not an example of his body not holding up to a football season.
  10. Cool, Russ does throw a better ball. But you are still just one way streeting it. and Cam is significantly bigger threat on the ground than Russ. Because Cam is much more than a scrambler and play extender. Cam can win virtually every one on one matchup going downhill. Which is something know one else has been able to do at the position. A power running QB.
  11. We just need 2020 NE Cam to make a wildcard run. Pre covid preferably.
  12. What 4 game stretch did this D lay an egg? Sam channeling Jimmy Clausen and imploding a teams chances to win isn’t the same thing as a D laying an egg. The 85 Bears wouldn’t of been the 85 Bears with Jimmy Clausen and Sam screwing them for 4 quarters
  13. If the media would have left The Golden Calf of Bristol alone I do think he could of been a backup QB in this league. Maybe a gadget red zone insertion here or there. The Skip Bayless type folks that just lied about The Golden Calf of Bristol and made him miserable to bring on your roster…killed what would have been a solid Clipboard Jesus career (minus the hair but plus the Jesus swag).
  14. Sometimes it is tough to tell the difference between decent comedy and crazy. My guess is that is just crazy.
  15. I mean that isn’t probably true. And I am a Cam stan. we got a garbage OL. We can’t have a super tiny playbook and effectively get CMC going. PJ just being able to communicate to the team and audible into the right CMC play mattered on Sunday. Cam couldn’t do that yet. He might know what he would like to do vs looks….but communicating the actual plays to everyone in real time is different. it all depends how fast they can get Cam up and running….in what isn’t even a week and half. I’m no fan of setting Cam up to look bad. I want the Cam revival to work. And still don’t trust Rhule.
  16. Nah, something wasn’t very wrong at all. we got out to a very big lead and quick….against the #4 D in the NFL and were starting a backup QB.
  17. I mean it was 17-0 after a quarter of play. It was a shutout at the half. The game dictated pretty early how that game should be called. part of the reason CMC had a good game is PJ allowed them to run more of the playbook than if you put Cam out there all game. it continues to not actually be about PJ when PJ’s name comes up as needing work right now. You would give him snaps so more could be done. That means so other plays can do more too. Like CMC. You start Cam. Cam likely isn’t ready for 4 quarters yet. And that is okay. And if it wasn’t Ron, I’d throw him out there with a small package for 4 quarters.
  18. Today? Yes. PJ presently has a significantly better understanding of the playbook…..and therefore can run more plays than Cam. Plays that barely involve him too. And he has the ability to communicate to everyone on the field and audible at the line. Which he did often last Sunday. Cam has been here 5 days. No one is happier to have Cam back than me. I’m also don’t want Rhule to screw Cam over. Again, it’s 5 days. The OL still sucks. And you need a lot of the playbook to get around the fact the OL sucks.
  19. Well, when talking about rings, wins and to an extent points. A historically great defense that existed for a huge part of his career is a relevant part to the Russell Wilson story. but again, he is a HOF QB.
  20. How many WRs were actually better players than Calvin Johnson? Lot of people had better careers. But they weren’t better. It’s not just career stats that determine how good someone is at football.
  21. Wilson also played with one of the greatest defenses in the history of the NFL. And a lot of his success and accomplishments are tied to the situation he was in. He is a HOFer though regardless. I don’t considering him superior. I consider his situation superior to Cam’s.
  22. Cam always faces incredible hate. From college, to day one of the NFL, through his entire NFL career... HOF consideration would be more of the same IMO. I mean, look who votes for it. Same type people that have always loved to kick Cam.
  23. yep, PJ has done his job twice. Sam has imploded those type ideal situations. If your options for backup are only PJ or Sam? PJ.
  24. I thought you said he was just an average QB. So now you have at least moved the bar up to not a HOF QB? I'll take that I guess. and when his career is done, there might be a HOF arguement. Again, he would be unique in terms of QBs and will have done things that will sit in the record books likely for decades and decades. Cam was the true start of a new era in the NFL. And that might get properly acknowledged later down the road pending how his career ends.
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