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Everything posted by CRA

  1. well, we aren't openly sharing with the world. I mean we are in a global pandemic. Handling it poorly. And we just withdrew from the World Health Org.
  2. this. yes, we are testing more than other countries. In part for 2 reasons, we have more people than most countries and the virus is out of control here. but we could test less. We could make testing only available for the very sick. We could NOT lead the world in COVID cases BUT...we would still lead the world in COVID deaths as we currently do. Only with less testing, we would have even more deaths. Because it would spread even more than it currently is with our bad testing. We still don't have good testing. We have a lot of testing. We have quantity. Never figured out the quality aspect.
  3. Life changes fast. Chuck Woolery (old school game show host) Last week: A big fat HOAX! This week: Pray for us. It is real. My son got it. Deleted his account.
  4. SC have to submit there plans by Friday. and today in SC, MONTHS into this pandemic ....we have continued to set new records everyday. Another new high in hospitalizations. Every day is a new record in that department. Deaths. Cases. Hospitalization. Currently all at the the worst levels of the pandemic....and still trending up. Don’t care what political party you support. Locally and nationally our leadership has comically failed us. Might be a broken record but it is remains mindboggling how poorly this has been managed.
  5. Thinking about doing some investing with a large amount of cash I have in savings....guess I’ll drive through the Walmart parking lot and look for investment advice written into the dirt on unwashed cars.
  6. Diabetes. Probably had some others as well. I mean high blood pressure qualifies as an underlying condition. How many folks over 50 have high blood pressure
  7. 50 year old friend passed away yesterday from COVID complications. Had some underlying issues but frankly....what percentage of 50 and above don’t? Wear a mask. Wear a mask for others. It ain’t asking much. You might be fine. You likely will be. You might have no concern in reality. But you can easily give it to people who it will take down hard and quick....and for many it simply isn’t some flu they can battle and beat.
  8. well, the beach thing was a joke. The bar thing was real. I fail to see how it impacts anything. Everyone is still at the bar drinking. They just have to leave at 11pm. Folks that show up fashionably late will just arrive earlier.
  9. Next Gov. McMaster is going to shutdown the beaches from 8pm-6am.
  10. Totally pointless. Governor just knows his state is a mess....so he announces he did “something”. Which is nothing. Everyone that would have been in the bar at 11:30 drinking....will still be in the same bar drinking until 11pm.
  11. well it isn’t like there are just 1000 people hospitalized. It is a number. People die and the number still grows. The growth rate is like the 4th worst in the country I think. Percent positive is still growing. It shouldn’t be at this stage. We botched the fug out of this because we have bad leadership on many levels and too many stupid people. SC is as hotspot. Out of the total population how much of the population do they believe have been exposed? Will be at the current positivity rate? That is a worrisome figure. Given it a novel virus. Which means they don’t know poo about it. And what it means for all this mild cases and their health going forward. Lot of concerning reports about what it could mean for people down the road. But I conceded their aren’t many options but to say fug it and take it on the chin at this point because of how disastrously we have handled it. Our government top to bottom proved to be a clown show on this. Highlights how doomed we are when something more serious occurs.
  12. Yeah, I don’t really care about newly reported cases. Lot of that is asymptotic healthy people that are tested because they can or had an exposure, barely sick people, people retesting, etc. hospitalizations is the number and it ain’t good. SC is worse than NC but don’t sleep on NC. They are trending the same.
  13. Hospitalization in SC - 1423 today. Everyday day continues a new high mark in hospitalizations. Deaths will follow suit (22 today) 1423 is COVID hospitalizations in SC. Total beds occupied (for any illness) in SC is still hovering at 75% *NC follows setting another hospitalization record at 1034. Going to be REALLY hard for schools to open back up here as both states continue climbing to their peaks of the pandemic. School returning will have its own giant bump it would bring.
  14. Depends on which number. They generally put out a COVID number. 1404 in SC. That means 1404 people are hospitalized with COVID. Then they often talk about % of beds occupied all over the state. That number generally includes everything when discussed. Anyone in a bed. SC is currently hovering around 75% of beds being full. Your hospital could be at 95% or it could be at 60%. They (SC does at least) also list the % full by county so if you just have one hospital in your county you would know exactly where your hospital stands. Some are being forced to go back to shutting down elective procedures again.
  15. I am pretty sure he named the 3 worst places in America.....and was merely pulling a watered down variation of it will all just disappear. All the numbers are bad. Pence wasn't basing that on facts. It was based on hope.
  16. a new day in the Carolinas....so you know what that means. SC with a new record high in hospitalizations. Another new record high. 1404. SC also logging the highest one day death total of 38. NC also reporting and setting a new record high of hospitalizations at 994. We haven't peaked. Heck, our leaders gave up. America is basically that dumb dog meme in the house that is on fire.....as we approach fall and the up and coming flu season.
  17. that is basically a list of some of the states that are getting worse and most of the ones you listed have been posting record bad numbers for weeks. You can't be "getting better" until you stop setting your own records every day.
  18. 23 states show hospitalizations going up https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/07/06/coronavirus-hospitalizations-grow-in-more-than-20-states-as-texas-admissions-soar-to-new-record.html SC sets hospitalization high NC sets hospitalization high
  19. NC today set a record high for hospitalizations today too. Alabama, Texas, AZ, etc. and those are just record highs logging in. Lot of states are seeing increases in hospitalizations.
  20. Specifically what numbers do you want? Internet clearly works at your house. Hospitalizations in SC as of today's reporting by DHEC is 1,324. Which again, is a new record high, set today.
  21. DHEC reports the cases, hospitalizations, deaths, age, etc every single afternoon. Weekends included. What do you want a list of?
  22. Hospitalizations are up in SC. All time high. Has been a steady march north. Biggest numbers since the pandemic arrived. This same things applies to many states all over the map. we (the US) botched this entire thing from the beginning. Now we are in a window where any path is horrible. Every leader opted to make it political. All sides. We aren't a super power. We simply have a lot of guns/military might. We are joke come crunch time. Nation (again, both sides) is also full of idiots that ignore science, education and facts....and prefer poop on Facebook, twitter, and talking political heads.
  23. not sure it is really outlined. most reporting just says it takes weeks (around 3) from diagnosis to death/recovery.
  24. hospitalizations are going up in SC hopefully the pattern doesn't hold. But generally cases/spread goes up (saw that). Now hospitalizations are going up. Then the death count generally follows.
  25. and SC just broke yesterday's record number again today
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