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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. If we are keeping Rhule and Fitts after this offsrason then Tepper needs to hire someone over them both. This staff is so inexperienced another year without making a big move like that just doesn't look like enough to get them up to speed. Go get an old hand and put him in charge, there isn't anyone employed by the team currently with enough meaningful experience to dig them out of the hole the have created.
  2. Our evaluations on offense are atrocious all around. Lots of positives on the D but the O is fugged. I wish I knew who contributes what but I can only guess right now. Sam was always destined to fail, it would have been fine on a prove it deal but these people fugged themselves. Don't spend draft capital o what you can find dumpster diving in the NFL. Just dumb and completely wasteful.
  3. Embarrassing and completely ridiculous thing to want to ditch. Another step backwards
  4. Like there are more problems than just Rhule. Clean this house, hire a consultant and do a non-Hurney rebuild of the staff. I would be interested in keeping Snow, the rest can GTFO.
  5. He is a beast as a dump off guy. Sam is an idiot that can't see the field. Makes sense to me sadly.
  6. He has a lot of physical tools so I get why someone would take a shot on him. I do wonder how they couldn't tell in workouts that they shouldn't waste the pick. The fact all that happened, he went on and failed it up in NJ and we still traded for him is beyond embarrassing.
  7. Not to me but Rhule might have to send out Sam to justify the idiotic trade he backed. I think they send him out next week again. Honestly, I don't care today. The offense was comical today so why not have our most expensive clown on the field?
  8. Sure but the fact is none of these guys are likely to be more than a long shot. It's complete damage control time. Even with CMC the offense is a dead end.
  9. I don't know how he could in any situation at all at this point. Who would bring him in for more than a camp body at this point?
  10. Truly a team effort. Tepper doesn't know how to hire people but we are stuck with him. So poop rolls down hill to Rhule. That still doesn't change the group effort in the inexperienced clown dance we saw today.
  11. Huge part is Rhule but those guys let it happen. Should never have been on the board. No idea how much to blame where but throw in Fritts to the poo stew that is our offense. Just awful on so many levels.
  12. Sadly that was probably true by the time he left NJ.
  13. As long as all the pro-personel people are fired also or it's half assed action. Those guys are terrible.
  14. Wasn't that going to be true anyways? I just hope the D can hit Jones a few times before they get gassed. May be a turnover or 2.
  15. You never know, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If someone is willing to throw good starter money at him then I'm happy if it's not us. Still, absolutely backup quality guy I wouldn't mind on a reasonable 2 year deal.
  16. He looks more like a good backup than a great starter but he is good enough to start another year while we address other areas that our need is a lot more desperate...for the right price.
  17. Mac Jones looks like Teddy, I would have rather have had Slater but whatever. He is a ready made starter with a very low ceiling.
  18. Meh, I'm fine with pissed off D players. I know who is going to take the real shots. I'm also fine with him not going after his own O. He just needs to disconnect and have fun chasing QBs the rest of the year.
  19. Completely fair given how we discuss on here.
  20. I do but the point still holds. By no means calling you out man, just talking.
  21. This place is not somewhere a player would see unless they looked way too hard. The hurt feelings here are fans and their dreams and hopes, sadly something the Panthers are excellent at smashing...
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