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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Yeah, they have been purposefully de-emphasizing the O line in favor of skill players. I guess Scott didn’t agree.
  2. He’s got all the leverage though. They need him to make DW happy. He could command a Rhule type contract easily.
  3. I was thinking this same thing. We’d also be upgrading over any QB we’re likely to get in the draft. Also, what’s the chance we hit on a franchise QB this year? Pretty low right? So we’re prob going to be drafting another QB in the first in another year or two. We might trade away a 1st to trade up this year or in the future. All in all, we’re likely going to spend two - three first round picks over the next 5-6 years trying to get that QB anyway. It’s not a bad deal really.
  4. You’re thinking of something else. That doesn’t happen here.
  5. Alienating most of the people who go to your games is not good for making cash.
  6. The only reason it would ever end up in SC is if Tep gets a deal that seriously milks the sc taxpayer. I don’t see how anyone could get excited about that.
  7. Tep would lose a lot of goodwill in clt and NC if he moves the team. If the stadium and HQ are both in SC, then it would be viewed as a SC team. Calling CLT the host city when the game is played in a different state is a stretch, and I don’t see CLT going along and paying that bill to ‘host’ a SB that it really wouldn’t be hosting.
  8. Have you ever looked at the host city requirements for hosting a SB? Rock hill would never be able to meet them.
  9. As someone pointed out, it’s bigger than the current site.
  10. This location is directly across the street from the current stadium. Pipe and Foundry is already committed to moving from that site. They’re just getting things ready to sell to Tep.
  11. One step closer.... The manufacturer is asking the city of Charlotte to rezone its 55-acre site to an “uptown mixed-use district.” That zoning would allow for a range of uses, including retail, hotels, restaurants and stadiums. The site is one of the largest pieces of land available for development in and around uptown Charlotte. Read more here: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/biz-columns-blogs/development/article248643755.html#storylink=cpy
  12. And yet their record is still better than ours year after year....
  13. The Seahawks work this way. Hurney did things the old practical way. See results.
  14. I think they give people X number of free views a month, but I could be thinking of another site.
  15. They don’t have a choice really. So many people use ad blockers now.
  16. Yep, tested positive a week after going to a trump rally. He paid a steep price for his stupidity.
  17. Absolutely, trust is the issue. So is social media, ‘traditional’ political media, etc. They all profit by building tribes. But when a person chooses to side with politicians and conspiracy theories over the medical community....well that takes a serious lack of intelligence. Lets also be real about what’s really happening here. People just don’t want ‘their side’ to be wrong. Believing the medical community would mean saying their side and ‘their guy’ messed up. Therefore, they need to invent crazy conspiracies to make everything make sense. 99.9% of the time the truth is the simplest explanation.
  18. Shared sacrifice and patiently playing the long game. What an innovative solution.
  19. So what? Scientists and people with advanced degrees and high IQs aren’t exactly Trump’s demographic. Just because someone votes a certain way or makes donations doesn’t mean they are idealogs. Their life’s work is to protect the US from deadly pathogens not engage in political brinkmanship. It’s obvious the anti-cdc and anti science stuff is coming from a political agenda. You’re being manipulated.
  20. Just got off a call with a friend of mine. She’s been stranded at her beach house in SC for the past few months since she can no longer travel for work. Her neighbors have been having large daily ‘Covid’ parties since the bars started closing early. I’ve never wanted to move out of the country before but....
  21. We’re going to run out of testing capacity really soon.
  22. For the 1000th time. Masks do more to keep the infected from spreading Covid than it does to keep the healthy from contracting the virus. Since spreaders can be asymptomatic, everyone needs to wear it. Why is this such a problem? Btw..Walmart now requires them. Prepare for the riots.
  23. It’s possible to have good data on one thing and not enough on another. Again, the issue is, do kids spread it? They probably do, but we don’t have a good study on that yet as far as I know. As a dad to a 6 year old, I really hope she can go to school full time.
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