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Everything posted by ForJimmy

  1. I would be extremely surprised if it’s Levis at 1. If we trade back down to 3 (don’t see this happening) then Levis is a real option.
  2. I get the impression they think this roster will be ready to plug in a rookie QB which is why they traded up for that pick. Any other trades will probably be getting rid of lower tier players for low picks.
  3. Olsen did wonders for Cam, Kelce for Mahomes, Andrews for Lamar the list goes on and on.
  4. I think we get a vet TE like Schultz and draft a WR like Downs/Hyatt at 39. Together they can help offset the Moore loss and Schultz can be a nice safety need for our rookie QB.
  5. Agreed. Rounds 5/6 should be big school OL. Would love another player like Mays.
  6. https://www.nfl.com/_amp/texans-signing-wr-robert-woods-to-two-year-15-25-million-contract Woods is a Texan now. We definitely need a vet WR or TE. Bozeman, vet pass catcher (WR or TE then we draft the opposite at 39), and LB are the top 3 priorities in order IMO.
  7. It’s like Doritos. You can add all these new delicious flavors, but at the end of the day Nacho Cheese is the GOAT. It will always be the top sold best flavor. Same goes for grape jam. In closing there will always be a new “flavor of the month” but grape will always be there when you get tired of your new fling. I leave the fate of jam flavor to the Commonwealth of the Huddle.
  8. That’s a little dangerous of a game unless we really like 2 QBs. It just takes the Texans leaking the wrong QB and taking our top choice at 1.
  9. Injury-prone big time. If he struggles under Reich/Brown then year it’s probably time to move on. It’s hard to get a real feel for a lot of these players under Rhule.
  10. Believe me, I understand the doubt and skepticism. We have been a poorly run franchise for a while now. I’m just giving Reich and Co a chance until they prove me wrong. I’ve been very happy with the entire staff he has built so far.
  11. For Mahomes? It has to be grape because it’s the GOAT of jams!
  12. Let’s see what we do to address the WR room and if we pick Stroud before we release final judgement. Does that seem fair?
  13. Need people to throw to and protection. He has shown he can do it if you give him that.
  14. This year’s second is a late one and hopefully 25’s will be another late one. 24’s 1st and Moore are the big factors that will ultimately decide how this trade looks in the future.
  15. He threw fine in college when he had weapons and protection?
  16. So if it’s Stroud are you ok with this trade to get him?
  17. Agreed. To me it’s a no brainer. He fits the style of QB Reich likes in his offense. I don’t think we even try to bait Houston. There is one player we like the best, which is why we traded up to 1.
  18. At the end of the day it did take 3 1sts because we value Moore as a 1st. We turned down a first from GB for him. The difference is we need some cap room and the Bears need some established player so it works for both teams. I’m glad they took 61 vs 39 this year. 39 should be a solid starter as well. I also wonder if we package our 2 4ths for a 3rd during the draft.
  19. I understand. Do you like the Reich hire? Also who do you think the top QB is? If this was Rhule I would probably be right there with you…
  20. He had almost 500 last year and didn’t play a good portion of the year. The problem is, at this point, he can’t be trusted to stay healthy.
  21. It’s a new staff. Rhule was running poo the last few years so you have have PTSD I think. It was announced Reich will have a CEO type role, he is a QB specialist and former QB, his QB coach loves Stroud. With all of this I doubt Fitt steps in and tries to pick another QB vs the one Reich wants.
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