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  1. Yeah I think he gets the whole season to either improve or lead us to his replacement.
  2. I remember one of the games that Corbett actually played. He would turn around from the RG spot and communicate with Bryce before the ball was snapped. It stood out because I wasn’t accustomed to seeing OGs do that. I think he is smart enough to handle that part of the adjustment. I’m just not sure that counting on him to be healthy AND learn the center position this year is the best idea…
  3. I agree it’s way too early. I mean I doubt it going to be a great season but I also expect much better play than last year. I think we agreed 6 wins with the offense in the top half would be a great year considering the circumstances.
  4. If he is clearly the better option then let him have QB1 reps. I would assume he is going against the 2nd string defense too currently which is probably helping him get comfortable.
  5. So Maye is making it look easy but stuck at QB2? Something isn’t adding up.,,
  6. https://x.com/KeepBlitzin/status/1816460236875579500
  7. This is really what needs to be highlighted. Yeah we were not dead last in total OL ranking because Moton was solid and Icky was streaky. However the OG play was so terrible the offense couldn’t function.
  8. If he can give us anything it’s a bonus.
  9. What?!?! Bryce Young is small??? When did this happen?? Just don’t tell me Cam is much bigger than him….
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