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Everything posted by ForJimmy

  1. https://catcrave.com/2022/11/09/carolina-panthers-gamble-anthony-richardson-elite-traits/
  2. Yep. It was can Cam's play style work in the NFL and can he play from the pocket when needed. Then Kiper had a man crush on Gabbert and mentioned him as possibly a better prospect than Cam. He was far from a sure thing and was plan B after Luck decided to say another year. The year prior Lock would have been the top guy but he stayed another year and dropped (another reason why the "next year's QB class" game is dumb).
  3. RB committee is that way to do it. I wouldn't give Foreman a new contract unless it's pretty cheap. We found Mike Davis, and Foreman as cheap FAs and the way our OL is blocking we can put a decent RB back there and he will look good. I would only draft one if it's a good value, but I don't consider it a huge need at this point. Even that rookie Blackshear had over 5 yards a carry last night, not to mention Shenault will get some looks from the backfield.
  4. It's still too early to know who is drafting where and which QBs will rise/fall, but I will say that Corral is a nice insurance policy if all else fails.
  5. It’s like you don’t watch Carolina football at all… Teams run at YGM all day long, it was even mentioned by the commentators because they were surprised the Falcons were trying to run at Burns side early on. Our LB play is pretty bad so once teams get around YGM (which isn’t that hard) they can get extra yards with ease. Blaming a team stat on one of our few good talents on defense is lazy and simply wrong.
  6. OC from Philly, Minshew as our vet, and someone like Richardson could work. Eagles have also been carrying 3 QBs so we could roll with Minshew, Richardson, and Corral. Minshew can start the year with Corral as backup until Richardson is ready. I wouldn’t hate this idea at all.
  7. Lol at the CMC fanboys getting mad because our run game got better without an overpaid RB. Committee is the way to go for RB.
  8. Woods has a dropped INT that floated to him and two unnecessary roughness penalties….
  9. It needs to be matte black, but these are still an upgrade over sparkly silver.
  10. Damn your logical thinking. Nobody has time for that!
  11. The Bucs offense has been poo without Arians. No thanks on Leftwich.
  12. Cam was a bit of a question mark in his class. Everyone wanted Luck and got let down when he went back to Stanford his final year. There was a real debate for Cam vs Gabbert vs Lock (who was projected as the top pick his prior year until returning and dropping slightly). Cam averaged slightly over 200 passing yards a game to some pretty open targets due to the fact he could run over them at any time. I remember scouts being unsure if he could develop as an NFL passer.
  13. Did someone say black helmets! Think of how good Stroud/Young is going to look in those bad boys…
  14. He is one of the smartest QBs that has has come out in a while. The size scares me, but I would be exited if we staged him!
  15. USC had quite a few busts as well… Leinart, Sanchez, Darnold, Barkley, Kessler, Cassel. Palmer was their only decent one. It’s why you can’t judge by schools.
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