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Everything posted by NAS

  1. It's also the softening of the game for me. The NFL peaked in the 2000s and I don't mean in terms of revenue
  2. Are we just getting old and nostalgic? It's just not the same
  3. You know it’s bad when Zod has lost hope. He used to be the biggest homer in preseason. How’s Tik Tok?
  4. Yes, my current account is old enough, but I go back to the Panthers Huddle days in 2005. This place is a shell of its former self, much like the team I guess
  5. I have a real job too, lol - i'm a pretty successful businessman but checking in for a few minutes a day doesn't seem like a big deal
  6. Does he even exist? I know life gets busy but damn, someone check and see if he’s still alive and breathing or has he checked out
  7. I think that's what they've been focusing on with Bryce's footwork and mechanics, planting that back foot is key if he's going to make NFL throws consistently.
  8. I have very low expectations and pretty much expect that we'll be looking at another QB in 2025. That said, I will give Bryce the benefit of the doubt and will root hard for him to succeed this year.
  9. Can we just pretend he doesn't exist
  10. I took it as a positive that he trusts Dan and stays in his lane. Sign of maturity and confidence
  11. Yeah I didn’t like that
  12. That is extremely concerning - he should be lifting up his team, not the other way around.
  13. From the first episode of the blueprint, Canales seems obsessive about the +/- turnover margin. I'm afraid it won't bode well for Bryce being more aggressive with the football.
  14. Nah, he’s got plenty but when you’re playing slow in your mind you look slow on the field. You have to be decisive and not hesitate
  15. Why not sign this guy as third stringer and let him develop.
  16. It couldn’t have helped. He should’ve used his mechanics better and save the cannon arm for when you really need it. I remember in 2013 -2014 being frustrated with Cam for throwing it too hard on easy short completions. We were spoiled
  17. But his arm wasn't destroyed due to his throwing motion, it was from essentially two hits / injuries. Tackle to prevent a pick 6 due to a lazy Benjamin route in 2016. That was the start of having to be on a pitch count in practice. 2018 TJ Watt hit after Cam had already adjusted his mechanics and was having his best year statistically speaking, although I remember even that year questioning if he can still sling it deep.
  18. Arm elasticity and arm strength are not the same thing. There are some who have great arm strength but can't deliver off platform throws, sidearm, etc, due to lack of elasticity. I am concerned about Bryce's arm strength to deliver the ball when the anticipation throws aren't there and you simply need to fire a ball into a tight window. Not sure that can ever be part of this game. He does have good arm elasticity which is what made him special in college, throwing the ball on the move, that should serve him well in the NFL especially when he gets outside of the pocket. My biggest concern is standing in the pocket, pressure in the face and not being able to set his feet will affect him more than others due to his height and arm strength.
  19. Nobody has ever doubted Darnold's physical attributes or work ethic in practice. He can sling it. But at this point, his mental make up is what it is. He will never have the composure to deal with pressure and stay composed. He is a good back up in the NFL, that's all.
  20. At this point, the franchise is almost unrecognizable. We had so much pride in the Panthers even when we had the worst record in 2001, 2010. Tepper has kind of taken the soul out of this team, its identity. For all his faults, Jerry Richardson was respected, instilled a certain kind of identity of pride, toughness, resilience, etc. The "keep pounding" identity has become just a saying now, we'll see if Dan Morgan and Dave Canales can truly bring it back in spite of Tepper being a terrible owner
  21. Wasn't Stroud reported to be struggling last year in OTAs or preseason? these types of reports are dumb I would rather have a gamer than a practice warrior That said, I think Caleb is overrated and he went to a franchise that is notorious for QBs busting
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