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The Natural

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Everything posted by The Natural

  1. Sure there is, if he's as bad of a bust as you think he is he'll guide us to a top pick in the draft so we can try once again to solve our QB woes.
  2. This is why dick measuring should be added to the process at the combine.
  3. Bring him back as our "First round pick specialist" and nothing else. I guess that means he'll get a year off though.
  4. Wilks is Rivera-Lite. That's not the direction we need to go. You bring up the Detroit game but I keep thinking of the Tampa game with the division on the line he left Evans in single coverage to single handedly torch us all day.
  5. Breer saying Fitterer is a "solid" GM has solidified any of his opinion pieces as garbage. Outside of Luvu I can't name a single good move he's made. Scott has been by far the worst GM we've had and it's not like we've had all-star GM's running things.
  6. Hopefully an outside consultant will be helping with the GM hire. I'm just going to try remaining optimistic.
  7. At least we only have to go one year without a first. If Young truly is a horrific bust we'll be in a position to draft a QB in the next draft. We've given away some good players yes but our draft capital going forward isn't in terrible shape. Hopefully with a competent GM and HC in place we can get things turned around fairly quickly.
  8. Why are we trying to pretend Frank was some amazing coach in the first place? Check out Indianapolis message boards and it might open your eyes a bit. Hell, listen to the interview with Jeff Saturday about what the culture was like when he took over for Frank.
  9. I can't believe how horrid of an offense Fitterer has assembled. The only player on offense worth a poo right now was drafted by Matt Rhules wife.
  10. Nicole was the real mastermind behind 9/11.
  11. I don't think you can really count holding a small minority share in a team as true experience though.
  12. Yet it happens every single day. Have faith, we won't be in the cellar forever.
  13. Call me an optimist but I still truly do believe eventually we'll get it right. Tepper has obviously made mistakes but he's still relatively new to this. What gives me hope is he legitimately seems he has a desire to win and hasn't been afraid to throw money around in hopes of achieving that.
  14. This level of dysfunction certainly explains the horrid offense. Reich certainly needed to be kicked to the curb and Fitterer needs to be next.
  15. Am I crazy or does it look like she gives Fitterer a "look". He's a dead man walking.
  16. Burns constantly running himself out of the play isn't hard to watch? Teams intentionally run AT him because he's a liability.
  17. Lmao you're the same dude constantly shitting all over Bryce, right?
  18. Frank likely wouldn't have got a shot anywhere else. He's a dinosaur.
  19. Optics be damned. Firing Reich wasn't a mistake, HIRING him in the first place was.
  20. Too soon to tell but it's safe to say the team as a whole is a hot fuging mess.
  21. Bryce showing how weak the arm is on the hand off. A stronger arm and Chuba would have scored easier.
  22. I'm just being a realist. No idea if Bryce is the guy or not but given the state of this team there's no way to know right now. Why did the announcers feel nobody was open either? Are they in on some massive conspiracy as well?
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