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Everything posted by WarPanthers89

  1. 3 points going into the 4th quarter for our offense. The most exciting play of the game was a fake that didn’t count.
  2. I agree. He’s playing above average overall but no way he is elite. They have been putting him 1 on 1 on some of these plays without safety help. Our defense overall has been good but definitely getting worn out when our terrible offense only musters up 3 points all game.
  3. The best CB’s in the game get burnt. The league is set up to make that position one of the hardest on defense and the league only has a couple shut down CB’s. Henderson had improved greatly but I don’t hold that against him for getting beat deep 1 on 1 vs one of the fastest players in the league.
  4. We have suffered enough seasons of horrible offense/QB play. The only excitement we have had since Cam vs Pittsburg, is CMC highlights really nothing else on offense. We are starting long list of bad QB play since Cam was cut
  5. Hi just got his contract lol. I would love for him to keep this up so we can have a long term stud at LB.
  6. I really hope he just means NFL Experience not former head coaching experience. Not many former head coaches come back and win a title….a few have but odds are against you.
  7. He has one (1) single dropped pass for the season. I agree with everything else you said though. His targets have been…..below standard to say the least. Anyone who has watched Baker this season cannot put any blame on Moore. We had more exciting QB play when we had Kyle Allen
  8. Yeah he answers the questions in a very professional manner but you can tell he feels the complete opposite.
  9. He’s not a fan of Baker or Rhule. Period.
  10. Rhule would be trying to beat the Browns record for most QB’s started in a short period of time if this happened. No way we should touch any future draft picks with Rhule as our coach until we know his future (I’d bet my savings he’s as good as gone after this season)
  11. On a positive note, it’s fantastic to see decent results from our line, especially knowing that we will get better with time as this unit gels and the young guys get more experience.
  12. We always say we are a few pieces away with Rhule and it’s always the same result. Decent defense (who wears down at the end of the year from being on the field too much/ offenses adjusting, bad offense performance, 5 wins, wash, rinse, repeat, Rhule collects collect check and says we are close.
  13. Why can’t we get this type of passion with our main radio guys?????? They are awesome. Absolutely love it and they almost had a heart attack during the superbowl run.
  14. I was happy about the win. I stated that. I’m just being realistic about where we are as a team rather than saying we could be unstoppable.
  15. It’s wild what one win will do for some of you lol. We literally had everything fall our way yesterday against Winston with a broken back, missing Michael thomas, Landry, and Taysom hill….yet we allowed them to keep it close. You won’t be able to keep many teams under the golden 17 points so we shall see. I still don’t see us winning more than 5 games total. Our offense is the worst (is not bottom 3) in the league. Same old song and dance with Rhule. Decent defense, horrible offense, 5 wins. Wash, rinse, repeat and collect that check
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