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Everything posted by WarPanthers89

  1. Shocker: The QB can have a major influence on your team. At the end of the day it’s the NFL and you need someone with the absolute killer instinct. Smith had it…..Shaq has it….Cam has it. Both sides of the team need it and we now have it
  2. He definitely does not need to be a one year wonder for us. We need to lock him up with a long term contract.
  3. He’s turned everything around including my faith in this franchise:
  4. He will catch up soon. Still on the rookie contract, and Reddick is a perfect example of someone who takes years to put it all together to be absolutely dominate. Burns is very very good but a year or two to go to reach all pro level. I have no doubt he will get there though.
  5. He needs to be extended or go ahead and prepare to franchise the man. We have one of the best pass rushers in the NFL right now.
  6. I agree with this 100% we need to give him breaks with Hubbard.
  7. Additional note: Darnold is getting 18 Million next year. CMC by himself can win us games.
  8. I said what I said. When he’s playing he is one of the best players in the entire NFL.
  9. Okung is sitting on the couch.
  10. He’s playing right now and won’t have a chance to read this…..he’s too busy scoring touchdowns.
  11. If he starts next year then it wasn’t a wasted pick as they looked at him as a long term project. His talent is through the roof, and unlike Sam….he does not have terrible film yet. They may be red shirting him this offseason to get him use to the defensive playbook in prep for next year. This is just me trying to be optimistic though…the warning signs are in place that it was a bad trade so far
  12. Exciting news today by signing Cam. With this we need to make the logical move and sign Okung because lost in the news of last weeks massacre, we lost our staring Center and Left Tackle. If the move to sign Cam was to compete this year, we can get by at center with elf on the shelf, but LT is a disaster. Our Guard play has improved surprisingly with Jordan and Scott. If I am Fitt….I’m signing Okung to a one year deal. What say ye Huddlers? What would you do as GM?
  13. That’s what they do for a living and the questions and monotone voice make me cringe.
  14. Whatever you say doper…..Anyway I need some pies to feed the great Paul Bearer.
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