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Everything posted by 1of10Charnatives

  1. Feels fantastic. Not just 2-0, but liking what I'm seeing a lot.
  2. You might be stuck with a horrible situation at QB, but next week you should at least have enough assistant coaches that someone can tell him what he did wrong on the sidelines after he screws up.
  3. Seriously. Even if you put Chuba in and he immediately fumbles, the game is not loseable. You have a Thursday night game. Rest your best player instead of making him accumulate more hits at the end for literally no defensible reason.
  4. I agree that ESPN is anti Panthers, but I think the reason has little to do with politics or morality. ESPN like most media companies when covering sports, treats any smaller media market team without a big media star like dog poo. I am so sick of ESPN sucking the dick of the NFC East with wall to wall coverage of their team's practice squads when the entire division has basically been garbage for over a decade, meanwhile if we're not sporting the likes of a Cam Newton, the Panthers get David Newton attempting to do whatever it is that he does every so often, but not so you'd really notice. If you ever really wanna know which teams ESPN gives fug all about, just watch the draft and take note of which teams are drafting when they go to commercial. Those are the teams they don't care about, one of which is almost always us.
  5. I see what you're saying now, and the way they are doing it is just dumb. So counterintuitive and pointlessly so.
  6. Soooo...correct, but just...wrong? Sounds like not correct to me.
  7. I will admit that I am not a math genius, but ESPN on the Panther's page currently claims that scoring 19 points, puts them 23rd in the league in points scored, directly implying most teams scored more than 19 points in week one, while at the same time claiming 14 points allowed ranks them 27th, directly implying most teams held their opponents to fewer than 14 points last week.... Correct me if I'm wrong but the rest of the NFL can't simultaneously be averaging more than 19 points scored and fewer than 14 points scored. What am I missing or is the page just wrong?
  8. ummmm.... you wanna play some football? Got a helmet?
  9. Gridiron Jedis sounds like the name of a garage band from Mint Hill. I would go to one of their gigs, but only if they play Freebird.
  10. True story: Last year as the pandemic was just starting to hit us hard and hospitals were filling up, I was training with my boss in my new position as sales trainer, which is done over Zoom. He was 74 and owing to a ladder fall a dozen years ago suffers chronic back pain and to that point had had 4 surgeries on his back. He's training me on a class that has only one student but his back is killing him. His doctor finally locates an outpatient facility to do the surgery in and he tells me he'll have surgery Wednesday and then we'll resume class Thursday. I don't say anything but in my head I'm thinking "Yeah you're 74 and this will be your fifth surgery, Zero chance you're teaching the next day." Thursday comes and all I can do as I sit there all day staring at the screen while my boss teaches this one guy, the thought running through my head is "Well I guess I'm never taking a sick day." Moral of the story: If my boss at 74 can come back to work one day after back surgery, I wouldn't underestimate what a professional athlete in his prime is capable of. I agree it sounds crazy, but people will amaze you sometimes.
  11. You wash your mouth out with soap! That "stink" is the smell of freedom! Now say the pledge of allegiance 3 times and go and pray at the grave of Thomas Jefferson.
  12. I feel like this might be one way to explore the possibility of stopping time. Can we get some nerds to do some physics stuff on this idea?
  13. I reserve the right to think this is funny and some epic trolling, and still hate his whining cheating ass. I'm a complicated man.
  14. You know we should never carry our zeal for sports so far that we feel the urge to incite, endorse or condone violence against officials who labor only to give us a fairly called clean ga... *twitches uncontrollably* ...SHOULD HAVE PUNCHED THAT MOTHER@#$%ER RIGHT IN THE THROAT!
  15. So wait... you're claiming that the fact bookies can figure out who is likely to win causes the team to win? Regardless of whether you like the way I describe it, it does boil down to their ability to math the variables against historical data. I mean, I get it, you don't have an argument based on merit, so you just fling poo, but that doesn't change the truth of what I said. Correlation of winning and bookies ability to predict same does not mean one causes the other. And that ain't no poo.
  16. Cue the Saint's D watching game film and completely failing to miss OL ineptitude being saved by a bajillion dump off passes to CMC. Cue the Saint's D cordinator coming up with a game plan that amounts to: smother CMC in close, rush 4 to get to Darnold, dare everybody else to beat us before we pound Darnold's face into the ground. Sam only has so long to work with it before opposing game plans adjust.
  17. Yeah but the Jets have such an awesome pass r.... oh. oh that's bad.
  18. Sometimes I have lower-body explosion, but no one ever describes it as good. They just warn others to stay away from the bathroom for a few hours.
  19. Correlation is not causation. And I wouldn't call it amazing, so much as proof of the efficacy of statistical analysis when provided with ever increasing reams of data about a limited subset. Regardless, I don't much get emotionally involved with sports betting prognostications. YMMV.
  20. The playing not to lose mentality exhibited by many coaching staffs in the NFL who are supposedly way better at this sort of thing than the rest of us drives me to distraction. Stop shifting blame to your players and grow a set.
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