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DJ feed me moore

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Everything posted by DJ feed me moore

  1. A beautiful succulent sacrificial lamb.
  2. nah he deserves to fly up to buffalo in negative degree weather and get his ass dragged through the mud for 3 hours, then we can fire him.
  3. new guy was hitting BOMBS sunday. Hope he keeps it up.
  4. yes, dont bother with it till after week 14 when every team has played 13 games.
  5. sucks we have to deal with this looser next year as well. praying he never takes another snap.
  6. rhule just named PJ the starter sunday
  7. with his first game at home vs ron rivera's football team.... Id nut
  8. tepper is bitch made. do not support him or his product until the team is sold. simple as
  9. I miss cam so much man. that was the moment I truly felt like we had a QB for the future who loved our team as much as us fans do.... I just cant believe it ended so quickly.... I hate you tepper.
  10. Off to IR and to never play another snap. Enjoy that 18 million next year sam!
  11. think about 7-8 million. just the biggest blunder of the offseason. what they will do next is anyone's guess.
  12. it was before the start of this season, july 15th. Still should not have been picked up, because we have the franchise tag available.
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