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Jackie Lee

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Everything posted by Jackie Lee

  1. The comments below that video are harsh lol. Truth to all sides, but in reality it's just a bad OC with a mediocre Qb. Bad fit for each other
  2. Fitzmagic mumbled "Nice guy" lol
  3. They're gonna do that silent quit for quiet fired thing or whatever they talk about on Twitter
  4. They got Hackett in another one of these scenarios lol
  5. The most boring 66 yard kick in NFL history
  6. This is far from a defensive battle, that's the sad part
  7. Even the Broncos mascot just busted his ass behind the endzone
  8. Are we seriously headed to OT? Please something else besides that happen
  9. That guy caught the ball and jammed it into his own nuts
  10. Gilmore the only NFL player on the field
  11. I couldn't believe I had to do it, but I benched RW and picked up Geno in fantasy this week. Usually you can get a QB late and it's not big deal but so many guys are playing like ass
  12. We made calls for RW though...He probably said no way lol.
  13. I forgot about the two 1st's and two 2nd's. Oof
  14. Why Russ got that coat on? It's 65 degrees in Denver
  15. I think they got cap hits til 2028 on that contract
  16. Too late for both teams to forfeit to declare a tie?
  17. Of course the dude that intercepted the ball stumbles on his own 2 feet haha
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