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Everything posted by micnificent28

  1. I mean maybe I am in the minority here. But I have been ok with Ervings play so far. Sure he's not elite or maybe even above average, but for what we are paying him I'm cool with it. I will take that over giving up a 1st for a 27 year old tunsil at this point.
  2. I don't think we will know who jayce really is until we see him cover the cowboys wrs and blanket them. So far who has he had to cover? Elishiah Moore? A rookie wr being thrown to by a rookie qb? Jameis and the random assortment of saints wrs of whom I can't name one? They are far from lamb and Cooper whom will test Horns true ability. Not to mention Tampa when he sees Evans, Goodwin, and Antonio Brown. But if they have him cover say Brandon cooks( probably the best wr we have seen) it looks better. My guess is cooks is a burner so they will have Jackson on him. Not to mention this 3rd rounder throwing the pill. Our schedule has been very generous to us early on. Everyone looks promising.
  3. Well if you follow the talking heads... saints were missing 7 coaching assistants and had rookie qbs making substitutions. Marshawn Lattimore was out their number 1 cb. Davenport was out who is a key pass rusher.... Chauncey Garner who was suppose to guard cmc... of course micheal Thomas and so on..
  4. This is all I'm saying. Point well said.
  5. Same scenario applies here as well. Which is why after beating the jets and their depleted roster and the saints missing this person and that we aren't spoken of in the same breath as the chiefs and bucs.. people still question our accomplishments and see it more as the saints failure than the Panthers triumph.
  6. Playing who you play is a false measurement. That's like byu going undefeated fbs independent division. It isn't the same thing as going undefeated in the sec. Then when they play in the national championship they get drug 59-14. All competition isn't=competition. I don't even know how you peddled that statement as truth. As for crowning him plenty of that was going on on the first page. Plenty of oh I was wrong.
  7. Look.. I love horn so far as well.. but it is way 2 early to say I was wrong or such and such would or would not have been better. He hasn't been tested at all yet. No team we have faced even has an established number 1 or 2 wr. That pick was as easy as a punt return. Let's not jump the gun here.. tho early returns based of sample look promising.
  8. My God can we stop ramming cmc in for 3rd and 1 it doesn't work well
  9. I'm a fsu fan so I have seen plenty of instances where he is more than willing to take off. No.. he's not a scrambler but I don't think he's a negative in the I need to get the first down with my legs department either.
  10. Laugh at his mobility if u want 2.. he's run for plenty of first downs.. he's not a scrambler but he's got plenty of that Brett Favre pocket moxy movement and can get firsts. He's not a statue.
  11. Not necessarily... Burns isn't guaranteed to bring down Winston who is a but heavier than Wilson and shakes of sacks that aren't true to technique. Wilson is about what 210?.. Winston runs around 230-240.
  12. No.. jameis is a lot more mobile than you think. Not quite pat mahomes mobile but not far from Sam darnold. It's a sneaky mobility
  13. Strangely as that one play was..Thomas was our second rated player according to PFF...most of it came as...you guessed it a blocker. He out played moton according to them.
  14. No sure why no one else can see this.. yes blocking is trash but having a brusier in that situation can sometimes overcome busted plays with second chance efforts and drive.. how many times do you think Henry is stopped 4th and 1 or behind the line of scrimmage without atleast falling forward for a yard? And yes it depends on who makes the play but the average linebacker isn't gonna stuff him for negative gains.
  15. That is just the thing. 40 yard runs* plenty real estate the defense had to account for..go look up cmc 4th and 1 3rd and 1. Those the situations where these one score games can be won or lost.
  16. I have no idea what this coaching staff has against thumpers and or goalinebacks but, it has been clear to me over the years CMC is fantastic in space* he can make the wow plays the eye opening catches.. but 4th and you gotta have it and they know it's coming... just isn't the situation you want to put him in. If you want to throw him a swing or something on 4th. I'm all for it.. but don't just hammer him in there like Tolbert or cam we haven't had a presence like that since those guys left or Stewart for that matter. I'm not sure how we sign guys like arnold as backup tightens and gio the new designated fullback and no rb on the roster pushes 220( Royse freeman is 238)*. I'm not saying that hammering it in on 4th and 1 is the only way to go but you damn well better have the threat that you can muscle up and punch it in if need be. This role needs to be addressed in tight ball games or those situations could result in losses down the road.
  17. Do you know what he's hinting at with that? Why does Cam Newton make people stupid? Basically cam is one of the few unapologetically black qbs ever. He embraces urban culture that many deem destructive... He doesn't fit the clean cut do it the way we did it back in my day mold. He's dabbing..wearing flashy clothes and dancing while having fun. He fits the picture of what certain people see as the problem with today's culture and it bothers a lot of people. Just like this guy..
  18. His arm looked strong. I'm not saying he is teddy Bridgewater. I'm saying his arm is what you expect from a top 5 qb pick. There is the strong teir where guys like Kyle Murray, Darnold,Watson, Carr all those guys have strong arms. Then there is that Godly teir that simply doesn't come out every year. Mathew Stafford, Micheal Vick, Josh Allen, Mahomes, number 1 pick Cam Newton had to an extent. Those are generation arms talents. Don't think Darnold is that but not many are.
  19. Wasn't this the steelers second team? Imagine If tj watt played.
  20. I have been around the huddle for nearly a decade or so and have to say early on I haven't felt as good about a draft class as I have this one. Just gonna share so opinions Horn- has been as good if not better than advertised. The interceptions in camp have been encouraging but seeing the way he breaks on slants and curls is a breath of fresh air. Marshall Jr- I feel like he's a second first rounder at this point he has shown everything and every reason to have faith in him. He has looked so good early I'm look at Andersons extention like.. was it really the right call? Physical specimen different kind of reciver than dj and Anderson. Christ- has been hard to judge given he's playing with the 2nd team but he hasn't given up many pressures or sacks and when they picked him many even myself question was it to early. But he looks good. Trimble- Another who is that guy pick.. now it looks like oh who is that guy! He shows athleticism and before the preseason I wasn't ready to let Thomas go in and thought it was a joke he could be cut. Now... meh Hubbard- He looks like a legit back when given the chance. He flashes.. which is all you can ask for at this stage. He breaks tackles at a good rate and no he's not cmc but he's probably the best backup rb we have had since the Stewart cmc days. Shi Smith- was pushing in my mind to be wr4... he did everything right and early signs were encouraging they were force feeding him this game and the injury sucks because I think he is going to the IR. Brown- the massive guard from Alabama was man handing guys when given the chance to play..start brown now!
  21. I have been around the huddle for nearly a decade or so and have to say early on I haven't felt as good about a draft class as I have this one. Just gonna share so opinions Horn- has been as good if not be
  22. The comparison was not 31 years old cam vs 24 year old darnold. Purely talent prospect early in career base. And no darnold doesn't have the same arm strength as cam did..cams zip was elite.
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