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Everything posted by Teddy2SuperBowlHeartBreaks

  1. The Lions definitely overperformed, AND the NFC was complete ass this year. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they fall apart and we don't hear from them again for the rest of the decade.
  2. Why did the number 3 pick Trey Lance look so bad if its so easy
  3. They are about to play in the Super Bowl in two weeks!! Why are you imagining this hypothetical just to discredit him lol.
  4. People say this as if Trey Lance (A top 3 pick!!!) didn't suck ass in the same system. Give the man some credit.
  5. Purdy is a top 7 QB in the league. People just hate him because he makes the draft process look like a joke (it is) and mock drafts and high draft picks are peoples religion.
  6. Dan Campbell might have too much Testosterone to coach a team to a chip
  7. Burrow is amazing but can never seem to stay healthy. And when he attempts to play hurt it is downright ugly to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled an Andrew Luck
  8. Yes I mean mostly a lackluster offense compared to past years. I legit thought they might miss the playoffs (I'm dumb) 3/4 into the season. Defense mattering again is good news for us though lol
  9. Curious, what aspect of Purdys game do you think is flawed? Arm strength? I've been trying to find reasons to hate on the guy but can't lol. I think he is a gamer.
  10. Pulling for Detroit. They took their lumps (repeatedly) and finally built a contender over the course of a few years. Their fans deserve it.
  11. I would find it really disheartening if this Chief team wins the SuperBowl again. They aren't a good team at all, but they have the best QB so that is all that matters. What is even the point
  12. I'm numb. Wanted Harbaugh, Johnson, or Evero in that order. It makes sense to hire the guy that has rehabilitated QBs though. We'll see.
  13. You'd rather win 2 games with someone you can grab a beer with after work than have perennial success with someone you find 'odd'? Someone you don't even know personally? Am I reading this right
  14. His defense ranked 32nd in the NFL last year. How is he even in the running for a DC job lol
  15. I mean, this just isn't true? People wanted someone from outside of the organization for a fresh start and because that person would have presumably worked in a healthy, non-meddling environment elsewhere, and would only take this job with the same guarantees. Hiring a guy that had a hand in constructing the worst Panthers roster you've ever seen is like changing your shirt when you've poo your pants. If you can't see the difference I really don't know what else can be said
  16. Right. He only had a hand in constructing the worst roster you've even seen in this franchise's history.
  17. During Rivera's first few years when he was making bone headed decisions, I never saw anyone say 'This guy might have CTE'. Nobody said it about Dan Campbell, John Lynch etc. Its not something that seems to come up when it comes to coaches/GMs, unless I'm missing something. That being said, I agree as a principal that people should not be making fun of head injuries, but where is the line when posters on this board body shammed Matt Rhule for 3 years, (Fat Fhule) they body shammed Fitt and his chin for 3 years, Horn is 'made of glass' etc etc. Someone the other day said Nicole was going to divorce Tepper and take half his money and the team from him.
  18. The same people that traded up to draft a 5'6 QB with no arm talent. Benny Hill music should have been playing as background noise during the 'interview'. Good for Dan Morgan though. Being able to tell a narc billionaire what he wants to hear is proving to be a very lucrative skill around these parts.
  19. Don't worry guys I'm sure things will be different this time
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