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  1. So he ended up throwing for negative downfield yards on average? Wow.
  2. Wow. Just saw the play in question. If you hit Brady like that your team would have to forfeit the game.
  3. My son’s view for the game is pretty nice.
  4. I don’t know much about VT football in general this year as my kids are no longer there. But I do know that Hooker deserved to be in a better program and he’s found one for sure.
  5. No kidding. My kids all graduated from there, and they got to see some decent Hokie football at least. Now…ugh.
  6. My son will be at this game and he expects to see two things: a sweet stadium, and another Panthers loss. Hope springs eternal, but the reality is this Panthers team is bad.
  7. Seeing as it’s the Bills, those aren’t going to be high first-rounders. I’m going with no.
  8. Exactly. I’d start him at LB coach and then if he’s good there, move him up to DC. See no reason he wouldn’t be good at coaching. Hell he spent a lot of time coaching players DURING THE PLAYS.
  9. Wait. Why did they go for two? I’m out of market so can’t see the game. Was there an explanation?
  10. Either bench Baker or fire Rhule. At halftime.
  11. A team of blind midgets could stymie this offense. The Niners will pitch a shutout.
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