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Everything posted by Icege

  1. Double digit deficit with Shula calling the plays? FML
  2. So WRs continuing to drop the ball and waaay too many penalties isn't ugly? A patchwork OL and rotating QBs isn't ugly? FOH Defensive struggles are one thing, incompetent offenses are another.
  3. This game is hideous. So glad that we drew Jacksonville and Houston to start the season. At least if we're going to look terrible it can be against other teams that are going through tougher times (Houston with their injuries and QB situation, Jacksonville being Jacksonville). If we can limp out of this stretch 4-0 I might be able to avoid alcohol poisoning when we start the next 4-game stretch.
  4. It is taking every ounce of willpower not to say, "fug this game," and change the channel.
  5. Did the 30sec delayed offsides call give you that impression? Because it sure as poo did me.
  6. Got lucky that Washington dropped it. I'm usually even keel, but I'm extremely irritated already at this game. I'm going to need to see something out of the offense that isn't Shulatastic
  7. Had a bad feeling all week about this game and Turner going down is not quieting these bad vibes :(
  8. Looks like we're not going to be getting any home field advantages from the zebras per the usual
  9. Really liking what I'm seeing out of CAP... running through tackles, cutting grass, making guys miss... I'll miss JStew but something tells me that CAP will help me get over it.
  10. CAP looking good. Norwell and Turner looking good. And Brown caught a football!
  11. He annihilated a Patriots special teamer during a touchback... plowed right in and spun to the right off of him, but in actuality it just looked like a Tazmanian Devil whirling directly through somebody.
  12. Hopefully we get all of these mental errors out in the preseason... penalties on defense and offense shitting the bed... yikes
  14. Actually, yes we do. www.finalround.org www.kumiteintennessee.com evo.shoryuken.com www.ceogaming.com www.thefallclassicnc.com But we only give the trophies to the winners, along with thousands of dollars in winnings. :)
  15. I'll never understand why 40yr old men have an aneurysm over kids getting trophies at the end of the season. It's not like they're getting trophies for every game. It's one trophy after an entire season. Most of those clowns don't even remember what it's like to be 7yr old. I can't think of anybody that has shown me their 3rd grade Tee-ball trophy and said that they could've played in the majors O.o
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